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Taehyung was scared. He was terrified of leaving his room. The option to return back to therapy was there but it had been so long that they had removed him from their client list and put him on the waiting list. It would take years to get a session sorted out.

He let his tears fall as he threw his head back against the wall in agony. Emotional agony of course.

He had spent the whole evening crying in his room, unable to make himself get up once he had fallen to the ground.

Taehyung didn't want to hurt people. Especially not when it wasn't under his control. He may have not liked Yoongi too much still but he definitely didn't want to hurt him. With shallow breaths, Taehyung finally got himself up and locked himself in his bathroom. He felt safe in there. He didn't feel like a threat.


It was around 3am when Yoongi woke up. He looked around the room with a groggy head, smiling upon seeing Jungkook fast asleep beside him. He pressed a loving kiss on his head and left the room after tucking his boyfriend in.

He went to the kitchen to get a drink, hoping and praying he wouldn't find Taehyung holding a knife again.

A few soft whimpers from somewhere around the kitchen caught Yoongi's attention.


He instantly recognised the kneeling figure and rushes to the younger member.

"Tae, what happened?"

Before receiving an audible answer, he noticed a few splashes of blood that looked fairly fresh. Yoongi felt sick, to say the least. "Tae... what did you do?"

Taehyung turned around with blood on his hands and let a few more tears slip down his burning cheeks. Yoongi stared in horror for a bit, honestly quite scared of the younger. It didn't help knowing that the pair wasn't on the best terms at the moment.

"Tae..." Yoongi felt like he was going to throw up.

"I... I lost control..." Taehyung choked out, crying quietly but uncontrollably. 

Yoongi got a clearer look at what Taehyung had done. He had just killed an small animal that looked like it could have been a squirrel or a mouse. He just felt more sick upon seeing the buthered animal. Poor thing.

"I'm a monster. I'm a fucking monster," Taehyung cried out, making it difficult for Yoongi to understand. 

"You..." Fuck, what was Yoongi even supposed to say? "You're not a monster, Tae. Just tell me what happened,"

Taehyung shook his head. "No. Go away and stay away from me,"

"But Tae, what even-"

"I said stay away from me! I'm a fucking monster and I can't stay in control and I'll end up hurting you or someone and there's nothing I can do to stop myself. I... I shouldn't be around anyone. I don't- I-"

"Tae..." Yoongi was still so scared of even speaking right now. He didn't know what the younger was capable of. He had the suspicion that Taehyung may have had split personality disorder or such a disorder but saying that would be plain rude and honestly scary. "I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone about this, I promise."


eee that was so bad i am: so sorry. vote and comment? o.O

also tae really be like lennie from of mice and men omg

im so sad i lost readers :( and once again i am v v sorry that i left this story for two years i just had to sort myself out a lil bit and take a break from everything :(

i love u guys !!

+{not at all proofread uwu}+

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