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Jungkook sat up in the bed, fuelled partly by his anger. Determined to talk to him, the maknae shook Yoongi, trying to wake him up up.

However Yoongi just whined "stop" in his sleep and like a little kid, changed his side before covering his face with his hand.

Jungkook didnt think that was cute, and instead felt more angry at him which made him want to wake up rougher.

The younger had really had enough of Yoongi being so weird and unsure about him; of him being nice one second and then absolutely cold the next. It was starting to get so annoying.

Yoongi groaned in his sleep, as if in discomfort from a bad dream. This made Jungkook snap into reality, still having hardly any sympathy. He carried on to shake him, cursing at him for not waking up.

Yoongi, once he was asleep, waking up was a difficult task for him. And anyway, most of his time sleeping was spent having unpleasant dreams and flashbacks he'd rather never remember.

He was murmuring things like "stop" and "please" over and over again, hardly audible to Jungkook. But Jungkook being am asshole couldn't give a shit at this point, too consumed by him bitter feelings towards the younger. He grabbed Yoongi by his jacket and tugged at him, a lot rougher than he should have been to someone currently having a bad dream.

Of course, Yoongi jolted awake, a low shriek of shock erupting from his throat. He looked like a poor frightened rabbit who'd just been shone light at. His breathing was erratic and fast and his heart was beating like mad.

Jungkook had thought he was just overreacting but Yoongi was never good with sleep anyway, and he hated being woken up in such a rough way, plus the unpleasant dream that tormented him; it was way too much.

"Jungkook," he breathed out hoarsely, his breath still caught in his throat. "Jungkook, what-" he was rudely cut off by a hard slap across his face, which was a lot more painful than one would've thought.

Yoongi immidiately shut up, something inside of him dying to the point where Yoongi wanted to throw the fuck up.

"I've had enough Yoongi. What? You think you get me home once and now everything's okay? That you falsely say 'I love you' and it's all good? I shouldn't have even gone out looking for you! Fuck, I should've just listened to Tae hyung and stayed here! I finally think I can be happy and then you go and fuck it up again? I've done enough for you to be so hurt, Yoongi. I'm done," he took a deep breath and looked away. "I'm fucking done with you, Yoongi."


jungkook you little bitch

(i might change some stuff in this chapter later but i'll tell you in the next chapter to re-read this if i do :) )

+{not proofread at all}+

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