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The next day at the breakfast table, Yoongi watched Taehyung walk in, normal and cheerful. He watched him place a kiss on Namjoon's cheek and take his seat.

Yoongi fiddled with the bandage around his palm, anxious and confused about what the hell was going on with Taehyung.

Everything happened as normal. They had a casual breakfast, had practise, came home and went on with the rest of their day.


Now it was the evening and Yoongi knocked on Taehyung's door. "Tae?"

A rather confused Taehyung opened the door. "Hyung? What do you want?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and parted his lips in confusion. "You- What do I want? What the fuck was that last night?"

This made Taehyung's stomach drop. Did he lose control again?

"W-what happened last night?"

Yoongi was impatient now. He held up his injured palm to answer the younger's question. Taehyung covered his mouth to keep his gasp from being any louder. He instantly felt sick upon seeing he had caused injury while he wasn't in control of himself. He didn't understand. No, he had mo idea who he was. He was a monster.

Taehyung began shaking, shuddering begging for it to be a dream. He flashed Yoongi with an apologetic expression and slammed the door shut, locking himself in his room.

Yoongi stared at the door that had just been shut, failing to collect himself after another unnerving encounter with Taehyung. He turned around and made his way to his room to grab his coat so he could go for a drive to clear his head. He grabbed the keys and opened the front door. A little voice made him turn around. It was Jungkook.

"Hyung?" the younger question softly. "You're going out?"

"Seemingly so, yeah. WHat do you want?" Yoongi's response was a bit harsher than he intended but he really wasn't i the right frame of mind to be talking nicely or sweetly.

"Oh. I was just wondering where you were going. I like knowing where you are when you go out; considering the last few times you went out on your own it... well it didn't really end well."

Yoongi turned back to the door. "I'm fine, Jungkook. I'm just going out to get some air. Not going to get drunk or get high, okay? Don't worry, baby."

Jungkook's heart melted upon being called baby. He loved it so much. He felt like he belonged.

He flashed Yoongi a smile and nodded. "Okay, hyung. I trust you. Stay safe and don't be out too late - it's getting dark and was hoping me and you could have a little movie night today?"

Yoongi finally chuckled a little. He was thinking the same thing. "Sounds like someone read my mind. I was going to surprise you with the plan but this works too. I'm gonna need you t pick a film while I'm gone, okay baby?"

Jungkook nodded excitedly. He couldn't wait to have a date night with Yoongi. They hadn't had one in so long and both of them were certainly looking forward to it.

"Well then, I'll be back soon okay? Won't be too long." Yoongi walked a few steps towards Jungkook and place a kiss on his cheek. "Be good,"

Jungkook blushed in response and inwardly screaned at this sweet gesture.


Deciding that his head was clear enough, Yoongi drove back to their apartment, having bought some coffee for Jungkook and himself. It helped to have something to look forward to.

He called out for Jungkook once he was inside and had locked the entrance door. "Kookie!"

He walked towards Jungkook's room to find him watching youtube on his phone. "Baby, your room is so dark I can't see your pretty face." Yoongi chuckled as he closed the door behind him and kept the coffees on Jungkook's bedside table.

"Oh!" Jungkook got up from his bed and flicked on a switch. The whole room lit up with colours and the fairy lights hung around in loops. It looked so pretty. Yoongi's mouth hung slightly open for a little bit as he looked around in awe and appreciation.

"Baby... this is so sweet. I love this. I love you," Yoongi smiled and pulled Jungkook in for a hug.

Jungkook felt explosions of warmth burst inside him. He said it back.

They both changed into comfortable clothes and settled into bed, pulling the blanket over themselves. Jungkook pressed play on his laptop and rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi smiled at that, pressed a kiss on his head and turned back to the laptop as they watched the film.

Despite the numbness in Yoongi's emotions, he recognised that this is what happiness felt like. Jungkook is what happiness felt like. He was his happiness.


pls vote n comment if you liked this chapter !!

phew it is currently 4:17am and i had a fuck ton of energy drinks and i can legitimately feel my body going numb and limp because i am so damn tired but i wanted to update so here !!

goodnight ily !!

+{not proofread at all i am sleepy *yawns*}+

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