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It had been a whole year since Jungkook had returned with Yoongi and the group was finally a family again.

Although Yoongi's and Jungkook's relationship  was tensing up slowly. There was nothing obvious going on but the tension lingering in the atmosphere made Yoongi especially, uncomfortable and hopeless.

He had slowly let himself believe the haters and that itself impacted his relations with all his members. Yoongi didn't even realise what had happened to get to this point, he didn't realise he was slowly crumbling apart.


"Jungkook~" Taehyung sang out, flashing his box smile.

"Yeah?" the maknae turned his head to the older, switching off his phone.

"Hang out with me today? Joon has to practise apparently and I'm lonely,"

He thought about it for a moment, before turning back to Taehyung.

"Can we go to a club?" Jungkook suggested.

"Yes! We might need Yoongi hyung with us though. We look like babies and out of place on our own."

"He looks like a kitten," Jungkook scoffed.

"That's not exactly a lie." Taehyung agreed.


Yoongi drove with Jungkook on the passenger seat beside him, trying to engage Yoongi in a conversation.

"Are you okay today, hyung?" Jungkook asked softly, expecting an equally soft answer.

"I'm driving, don't distract me, okay?" It wasn't what Yoongi wanted to say; he didn't mean to be so cold and harsh but it just came out like so.

Jungkook backed away, making eye contact with Taehyung who shared the confused expression.

After an awkward ten or so minutes, Taehyung finally pulled up some courage to speak as he looked at the heavy traffic ahead.

"Hyung, you know what? Why don't we go back and go to the club sometime tomorrow?"

Yoongi sighed heavily, partly scaring the two maknaes before wordlessly making a U-turn and heading back.

Jungkook was pissed, slouching back in his seat and regretting even asking Yoongi if he was okay.

Min Yoongi, you genius, you're fucking losing your shit again. Get your shit together before you fuck up like last year.


There wasn't any reason for Yoongi's anger except the constant need to hide his emotions from everyone and telling anything to even Jungkook.

And his behaviour earlier with Jungkook and Taehyung just made him feel worse. He really needed to apologise to them. The only thing Yoongi was holding on for was Jungkook, and if he let go of him, he'd probably let go of life.


woop i started this yay!

hihi y'all i know this chapter was incredibly short and crappy and shite but thank you so much for reading y'all :D

+{not proofread}+

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