"Alright, no need to be so mean," the younger pouted and grabbed his things, leaving.

He checked if he had the spare key with him and exited the building after confirming it.

He turned around to look at it one more time, mesmerized by the shiny glass. Little did he know that someone was staring right back at him.

SUGA didn't know how to feel. The scent was still present in his nose, and it was the most heavenly thing he ever smelled.

He saw the omega exiting the building and wholly tuned Mr. Kim's voice out. He saw the brunette looking back at the facility, though he didn't see it all clearly; he was on the 13th floor after all.

He desperately wanted to know what the deal was, why he couldn't get that scent out of his head and why those coffee eyes would appear in his vision if he chose to lose concentration for one second.

"... right, SUGA?" Hoseok's voice made itself known.

The male was startled and felt two pairs of eyes on him. "Uh, yes," he said with a firm voice and nodded.

"Are you sure you're alright? You seem a bit off." Namjoon asked, his gaze intense.

"Yes, just a little tired from the schedule. I apologize for that, Mr. Kim," he said.

"It's alright. We only have two questions left anyway," the CEO said, giving him a professional smile.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Half an hour later, SUGA sat in the car's passenger seat beside his friend, Hoseok.

At first, it was silent, but the raven-haired male broke the silence. "Are you sure you're alright? You don't seem like yourself today," he asked, worry evident.

"Yes... But that omega which we saw at Limelight, his scent is still lingering in my nose... It is the most enticing thing I've ever smelled, and he's the most beautiful omega I've ever seen," SUGA explained, looking out of the window.

"How do you feel? Did he trigger your rut?" Hoseok asked, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter.

"No, no, none of that... I don't know what's wrong," he sighed.

"I'll seriously scold him. You can't afford not to feel fit right now. Your tour is coming up. You need to train." The driver said, eyes not leaving the road.

"You don't even know him; how are you going to scold him?" SUGA asked, a little smile playing on his lips.

"I know where he works. He usually covers up his scent." Hoseok explained.

SUGA's eyes went wide. "You know where he works? Can I come with you?" He asked, his stomach fluttering at the thought of seeing the male again.

"Sure, we can stop by the place right now. It's on our way anyway," Hoseok shrugged and pulled into the parking lot in front of the small bakery only mere minutes later.

They walked into the shop, instantly engulfed by the scent of all sweet things. SUGA wore his usual going-out attire, beanie, and a mask.

Another male stood at the counter, boredly eyeing the men.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The male asked and gave them a half-assed smile.

"Could we speak to the owner of this business?" Hoseok asked and gave him a bright, reassuring smile.

The boy's eyes went wide nevertheless. "Sure, please wait here," he said and dashed through the door into the back of the building.

"You sounded like these western women with bob cuts that are dyed a terrible blonde." SUGA pointed out, making his friend laugh.

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