It was then she noticed Prince Ire's dressing was different from someone roaming around the house. "Going out?"

"Hmm....yes." Prince Ire squeezed the empty bottle in his hand more before throwing it on the ground. "I might take long."

Desewa turned away from the Fish she was frying. "That's only if the King did not born you well. My energy in this kitchen will not waste." She made it sound so serious but she was just being her. Her bully side coming to display.

Prince Ire made fun of her angry face. "Who send you? Madam fish," he said, moving closer to her. Prince Ire hit her head playfully before removing the wig on her head. "Have mercy on this Allback Desewa. Your man is not here. And wash this make up please. You are already looking like a winch."

Desewa laughed and intentionally splashed little hot oil on the hand Prince Ire used to hit her getting him screamed. Desewa laughed deriving joy from her wicked act before picking up her wig that was thrown on the kitchen tiles.

"Desewa are you fucking okay?" Prince Ire yelled rushing to the tap to wash his hand.

Desewa instead of letting Prince Ire be, raised the hot spoon she was holding at him again to scare a grown man. Looking dead serious, she fired. "Oga before you throw shade at me, tell your sister to remove the silicon inserted into her bumbum. Then I will stop being a makeup freak! Is that understood?"

Prince Ire slowly moved away from her because at times Desewa could be a damn bully. "I swear you are mad!" Prince Ire laughed, picking up the squeezed bottle he threw on the floor, throwing it at Desewa targeting her head which was a success.

Desewa laughed knowing it pained Prince Ire. As he was about leaving, Desewa slowly lowered her voice. "My love when you are coming, just buy your best cousin chinese---"

"Not only Chinese! Is cheese ball you will see." Prince Ire cut her off before she could finish her statement getting Desewa to laugh so hard. But she still shouted. "Chinese something for this hardworking girl Ire! Henry don't let them do you for me. Is Chinese something or trouble!"

Prince Ire came back just to reply her. "Masquerade keep quiet."

Desewa laughed. "Clown go away! But you are paying for our make up artist tomorrow. Shikena!"


Hi beautiful people 😁 ❤️😘❤️😘 how do I congratulate us for winning because the votes were massive 😄 thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much so much 🙏 A big thank you to everyone who voted and voted and voted. I was happy most people did their best to support me. Favourra called me during the time I was not active on wattpad and said, sis Yewande you've been nominated for the Nigerian Readers' Choice award. Come and bribe us with updates so that we can vote😄 but then, I didn't have to bribe us because we all did our best to support me🤩 Thanks a lot to everyone who voted for me. I saw it all. And thanks a lot Favour.

But I only wanted to win two categories. I just wanted my two books which made it to the voting stage to win, but of course, you guys gave me plenty wins😄😁💖 Best writer, Best Overall book, best everything 😂


But😭 GORIOLA ADAMS couldn't make it. 😄 But all good, and since we didn't win, I want everyone who took their time to vote for Goriola Adams as the best male lead to know I appreciate their votes, their support and the multiple +1 they gave me made me feel honoured 😘 because I deeply feel loved when I saw some people coming to vote everyday. They already voted but kept coming back each day to vote😭😭😁 Orimi wuuuuuu. Despite many favourite authors😲. And because of that, SEPTEMBER 1st by God's grace 🙏 I will make MWTPS free on all reading apps where it's been sold.
On Okadabooks
Litireso and
Sofanovel. Will announce it once it's free. It will only last for few days, so get your favourite app ready😄🤩 and finish that book you couldn't finish that day.

My loves also got their wins😄 Teefabulous Timilehin06 KoladeMotirola Congratulations to you guys💖😚 we celebrate you our favourite authors😄

Lastly to Mrs. Nkechi😚 I want to say a very big thank you to ma. Please say a healing prayer for her. God's hands is resting upon you in Jesus name 🙏 the love you show me means a lot to me ma❤️ GOD BLESS YOU.


Dangerous LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora