Chapter 76: Retreat

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Chapter 76: Retreat

The air holding him failed as Peter groped for something.


But there was nothing.

Nothing to slow his defenseless stumble into Facilier's shadow. Slamming into the wall, Peter had only time to blink as the shadow clawed it's way into every orifice.

Once inside, the shadow buzzed through him like a chain saw.

And then, the nightmare began.

Peter had felt different when Wendy took his shadow. He had felt emptier, fragmented, threatened – it was almost like being naked in a room full of people, but with all your deepest, darkest secrets written sloppily on your skin with a ballpoint pen.

However, Peter Pan always felt that way. Always. Empty. Threatened. Incomplete. So, smushing the uncomfortable emotions with his usual inflated persona, Peter hadn't terribly minded loosing his shadow.

But this...this was...a nightmare.

Peter felt like he was drowning form the inside, as if someone was compressing his skull and chest with cement. Rigor mortise seized every muscle as his body was taken under siege.

He could feel the shadow leafing through his brain like a book, ripping open pages of memories that Peter never wanted to remember.

With one heartbeat, Facilier's shadow screwed itself into Peter.

Possessed and infected, the boy fell.


"Wen, no!"






"LOOK OUT!" Ariel repeated, raising her trident as Facilier, Gaston, Kay, and Lana appeared, flanked by evil comrades. Loosing sight of Jim and Wendy, she clustered with Mulan, Flynn, and Rapunzel as the ambush hit.

Trident screaming, Ariel slashed in circles. Students descended from every direction, scratching at faces, pulling at hair, and stabbing with kitchen knives. The ambush tore through like a tornado, knocking Ariel down.


Gaston punched Mulan's temples. Lana ripped a fork through Rapunzel's skin. Kay slammed Flynn against the stone corner. Facilier threw kitchen knives at Jim's face. Peter wormed his hands over Wendy, knotting his arms around her neck like an evil puppet on strings.

They were outnumbered!

Ariel rolled. Merida and Robin stumbled over her, reaching for bows and arrows but were met immediately with raining knives.

How would they save Fantasia?

Her father's calm, militaristic voice crunched between Ariel's ears.


Wrenching her shoulders, Ariel dug the trident into the floor.

Eel electricity swept over stonework. Everyone in the room jolted and jerked apart.

They had a second. One second.

"RUN!" Ariel screamed, "EVERYBODY RUN! RUN AWAY! RUN NOW!"

Jim shook his head. Electricity sparkled between his fingernails and teeth. Then, with a violet shove, he pushed passed Facilier's shaking hands.

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