Chapter 44: Be Prepared

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Chapter 44: Be Prepared

Maleficent caressed the Black Cauldron. Soundlessly, her robes rippled over the black belly. Pausing, Maleficent dipped a finger into the bottomless mouth.

She smiled as her crow spiraled down from the sky.

"Silent as the grave."

"Not for long." Hades lounged on a tombstone. Blue flames dripped from his robes. Calmly, he observed Maleficent pacing around the frozen student.

Hades took a second look: the blonde girl's face was scared stiff. Literally. She had been with another student – another girl, but this one an older brunette with violet eyes and a wry attitude.

Hades shifted. The brunette had heard him. She'd heard all the dead souls trapped in Petrified Forest. The brunette had tried to warn her little blonde friend, but both had been struck with fear when he and Maleficent appeared.

Hades grinned. When she saw him, the brunette had hugged the blonde – freezing her. After one precisely timed "Boo" she'd fled.

Delighted, Hades nabbed a passing moth. However disquieting the brunette's ability to hear dead souls, to hear him, Hades still enjoyed playing the boogie man. Just like the good old days.

"When we have the Chosen One." Hades monologued to the horned witch, "That thing will be gorged with demons. And Fantasia..." Hades flicked a flame from his thumb. " toast."

Maleficent paused. Her fingers lingered on the Black Cauldron.

"I dislike your optimism."

Hades's eyes scorched. "What?"

"I find it loathing." Maleficent turned. Her diaphanous golden eyes gleamed like lava. "Hope is food for the defeated. We have not discovered the Chosen One, yet. Do not waste time daydreaming of your undead army until the star is wholly broken."

Soil burned under Hades. Temper boiling, he crossed the graveyard. "Ok. That was rude." Angrily, Hades gripped the sword in the stone. "Watch out Babe – this is my turf, remember?"

Maleficent raised an eyebrow. "Well." she smiled hugely with red lips. "Well. You dare threaten me. Me."

Maleficent tilted her head, lips curled with the suggestion of laughter. "The Mistress of All Evil."

"Evil dies too. Just like everybody and everything. Evil dies." Red fire scissored through Hades' skull. Eyes bulging, he willed the flames to grow, rising with his temper.

"But Evil..." Hades growled, body blistering with fire and ready to explode. "...Evil goes to Hell!"

"Hell!" Maleficent laughed. Green fumes bled from her staff and whorled through her horned headdress. "Lord of the Dead! Let me show you the powers of HELL!"


A bullet ripped between the two villains. Flames involving, Hades and Maleficent turned.

"Well." Metal parts moved around a red eye. "A forest gale."

Long John Silver.

"Cyborg, Babe." Hades swooshed around Maleficent. A smile slithered over his chin as Silver entered the graveyard. "What took you so long? Come on...join the party."

The darkness stirred. Silver muscled against the shiver running up his spine.

Crooked figures surfaced from the forest. The blood red genie. The seawitch. The horned king. The scarred lion. The hypnotic snake. The rat mobster. The mad witch. The queen of hearts. The puppeteer master. The silent Hun.

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