Chapter 25: The Magic Bag of Tricks (Take 3!)

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Chapter 25: The Magic Bag of Tricks (Take 3!)


Wendy yelped. She snapped her hand out of the Magic Bag of Tricks.

Laughter heaved and rolled over the auditorium. Gleeful in his prank, Peter dove for cover. Hiding under Lana's seat, he high-fived Flynn and Aladdin as Master Cogsworth searched for the perpetrator.

Headmaster Mickey wiped his brow. Peter's outburst had made the headmaster jump right out of his yellow shoes. Kindly, Headmaster Mickey looked at Wendy. She returned a terrified expression.

"Trick or treat!" Lana, Cordelia, and Adella called after a fit of giggles. Below them, Peter shot a thumbs up.

Guilty to be associated in the group, Ariel leaned toward her sister and cousins. "Adella! Lana!" she reached for Lana's wrist. "Cut it out, she's scared."

"Chill out, Ariel!" Lana said, batting Ariel away. "One more time, girls: Trick or tree-eeeeeat!"

Wendy frowned. Clenching her fist, she stuffed a hand into the Magic Bag of Tricks.

"Ouch!" Wendy lifted her eyes to Headmaster Mickey. Astounded more than hurt, she lifted her hand. Blood dripped down her index finger. "It,,, bit me."

Peter's head popped up from behind the seats. "Oh shit."

Headmaster Mickey started. Confused, he peered into the Magic Bag of Tricks.

After a brief investigation, Headmaster Mickey smiled.

"Oh...oh! Oh, not to worry My Dear. Look..." Carefully, Headmaster Mickey tilted the bag. " are."

A needle and spool of thread tumbled into Wendy's hands.

The thread was black and braided with fine golden string. The needle, pure silver, was blushed with Wendy's blood.

"Oooops. Better not forget this...." Giving the bag an extra flap, Headmaster Mickey emptied a silver thimble into Wendy's hand.

"Wendy Darling..." Headmaster Mickey said as Wendy fingered the glittering thimble. "Magical Items: Needle, thimble, spool of thread. Can't imagine what adventure that has in store for you."

"Yeah..." Lana giggled to Adella. "...become your own pin-cushion."

Ariel rolled her eyes. She ignored Peter as he fwumped in the seat beside her.

Ariel was getting impatient. She fidgeted, wishing it was her turn to reach into the Magic Bag of Tricks.

The wait was unbearably long, with only a few surprises.

Lilo and Headmaster Mickey were nearly killed by a psycho blue alien before Lilo tackled the creature, declared her love, and named it Stitch.

Kocoum and Tigerlily attained the magical power of silencing, and muted the entire auditorium twice before Master Merlin figured out how to reverse the magic.

Phoebus got a sword. Clayton got a rifle.

Meg's magical power, to the public dismay, was listening to dead souls.

Charming received a tiny pumpkin that inflated into a full blown golden carriage.

Nani received a lei of white tropical flowers, each petal containing healing magic.

Quasimodo got a tiny bell that nearly ruptured everyone's eardrums when it rang.

Pinocchio turned into a wooden puppet.

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