Chapter 23: The Magic Bag of Tricks (Take 2!)

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Chapter 23: The Magic Bag of Tricks (Take 2!)

Peter slid his hand into the Magic Bag of Tricks.

And he closed his eyes.

Peter could not bear looking at the mouse.

He was afraid.

Afraid that this eyes would make him vulnerable. Afraid that the mouse would be able to read the child-like hope buried deep inside every bitter orphan. Afraid that despite his every hope, nothing would change. Afraid that neither the Wishing Star nor the Magic Bag of Tricks, would make life one worth living for Peter Pan.

"Come on..." Peter begged, sticking his arm further and further into the Magic Bag of Tricks, "...please...come on...just this once...come on....come on..."


Peter opened his eyes. He was bent almost completely over. And his arm was thrust disproportionately deep into the Magic Bag of Tricks, up to his shoulder.

Still nothing.

Peter looked at Headmaster Mickey. The mouse cocked his head, appearing not very concerned that Peter's arm had disappeared into the bag without anything happening.

Peter's heart raced. Uncharacteristically emotional, Peter tried to slow down his breathing. Controlling emotions was never his forte, and the mere fact that he was panicking made Peter panic even more!

Clenching his fist in and out, Peter looked to the audience. Immediately, he made eye contact with Wendy. This time, she didn't shyly look away.

Wendy looked right at Peter. She looked concerned. Very concerned. Then, imperceptivity she mouthed two words. 

It's okay.

Peter felt something. Something warm and comforting in his heart. It was an odd feeling...but it made him happy. 

And with that happy thought...

"Whoa! WHOA! Whooaaaaa!"

The whole auditorium leapt out of their seats. Students grabbed each other in surprise then pointed with big smiling faces as Peter Pan somersaulted head-over-heels into the sky.

"Oh my God! Ha ha! Look! Look at Pete!"

"He can fly!"

"He can fly!"

Yes. Peter Pan was flying!

"Peter Pan!" Headmaster Mickey denoted, jumping up and down, trying to snatch Peter as he tumbled uncontrollably out of reach. Exhausted, the headmaster panted as Fauna, Flora, and Meriwether rescued Peter from the rafters.

Mickey dabbed his forehead. "Peter Pan...Magical Power...Flight." Wheezing Mickey waved a tired hand at the poised quill. "No comment....phew..."

The quill and composition notebook bobbed with professional courtesy.

"Peter that was awesome!" Flynn and Aladdin raved as Fauna, Flora, and Meriwether escorted Peter back to his seat. Paddling in air, Peter managed to situate himself comfortably. "How'd you do that?"

Beaming, Peter surveyed the admiring faces regally as a king. "Oh..." Pete said, resting both hands behind his head. He smiled at the ceiling. "...just...thunk a happy thought."

"First magical power." Headmaster Mickey mused, turning to the next page of the Once Upon A Time book. "...can't get much more exciting than that!"

But it did. In the next block of students, more magical powers emerged, each as incredible as Peter Pan's.

"Next, Adam...Magical Power: Beast Transformation. Adam! Adam calm down! Temper, Son. Anger will trigger the beast. But calm will release you."

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