Chapter 5: First Sight

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Chapter 5: First Sight

"What are we going to do?!"

"Arista! Marina! Shhhhhh!"

"But what are we going to do?!"

"Oh my God!" Stuffing her purse under her arm, Andrina took charge. She was team captain of every swimming event for good reason. Now was her time to shine. "Everyone to the bathroom! Now!"

"Andrina!" Alana protested as she was yanked from her chair, "What about Ariel?"

"No time!" hissed Andrina. Stealing a glance over her shoulder, she ducked as Triton and Sebastian frowned at something the pirate said. "We're ditching. There has to be a window in the bathroom. Move it ladies!"


"Just text her Alana!"

"Fine, fine." Crouching across the bar, Alana took out her phone. "I hope this works," she whispered, thumbs flying as she disappeared into the ladies room.

Ariel's phone vibrated. But she did not receive the message. Good naturedly wondering where everyone was, Ariel returned from the television screens with a huge smile on her face as she reached for her phone. Suddenly, a horrifyingly familiar voice sang across the room:

"Ha! Da day we agree to dat is the day fish fly, Mister!"

Ariel froze. Sebastian?

She looked up. Directly across the room sitting at a table of four was Sebastian. And Triton. Both were here, at this bar! And both looked cross. Very cross.

Slapping a hand over her mouth, Ariel dropped. Stooped under the table, she waited until her heart stopped pounding. Then, she began to laugh.

"This is so stupid!" Lifting slightly on her haunches, she reached for her phone, "I'll just call...oh no..."

The beer stained wood above her head buzzed as her phone vibrated. She'd left it on the table.

"Great." Ariel slumped cross legged, watching feet walk by. "I guess it can't get much worse."

Surprised Ariel sat up, bumping her head. Two booted feet were bee-lining toward her. Holding her breath, Ariel waited, painfully listening to her phone vibrate as the boots paused at the table.

Then, she saw a hand. The hand slipped under the table, holding her phone.

Ariel peered. Uncertainly, she took the phone. It was from Alana.


A second text buzzed in. Also from Alana: see u a home lol

Ariel rolled her eyes. "Thanks a lot..."she sighed, looking about uselessly for an escape route. Her eyes settled on the two boots, still poised at the edge of the table. For a moment, Ariel considered. Then, typing quickly into her phone, she tentatively offered it to the mystery stranger.

Hi it read thnx for my phone :)

Jim almost smiled when he read the message. Setting down the platter of waters, he took the phone and replied: np yr drinks r here

Ariel tapped her knee, thinking of a graceful way out of her mess: oh thnx I think they left...I should 2...whats the bill?

Jim glanced at the glasses. He hadn't even put ice in them: no charge (waters)

Ariel grinned broadly, imagining Lana's smug little smirk: carded?! ha ha lol!

That made Jim smile. Shaking his head, Jim texted back a message: so u comfortable down there or what?

Ariel lifted her head, thanking her lucky stars that this wonderful person had made the segue: act I kinda need to sneak out. suggestions?

Ariel waited. The response made her laugh: walk?

She texted back: seriously:P

Jim scanned the room. Unless this girl—he assumed it was one of the glamour girls—was some sort of anorexic dwarf, he didn't see a chance of leaving without her being noticed. Rich, pretty girls were like blood in the water; she would surely attract attention. Hell, she couldn't even stay hidden under the table!

Fingering the phone thoughtfully, Jim eyed the edge of the table. Then, slowly he tilted his head.


"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" screamed the parrot, tearing across the bar, a crab dangling from his neck, "MAYYYYYYYYY-DAYYYYYYYYYYY!"


The lights blew out as red feathers burst like flames. The parrot continued to screech over Jamaican curses as gun shots streaked across the bar. Falling to his knees, Jim hit his forehead against the sharp table edge. Head pounding, Jim suddenly felt a small hand grab his shoulder.

Instinctively, Jim pressed the phone buttons and raised the thin light.

He almost dropped the phone. His breath caught in his throat.

Two of the deepest sea-blue eyes lit up from the darkness.

Jim could only stare.

Two men shouted. The eyes moved. The phone blinked out.

Jim pressed the buttons again. The eyes had vanished. And the Benbow was on fire.

"Everyone out, out, out!"

"Mom!" Jim shouted. A stampede raced by, bulldozing Jim across the bar and over the threshold. Stumbling across the slick dock, Jim crashed onto his back. Orange smoke spread across the sky and explosions punched holes in the air. Jim raised his head. Small flames curled out of the doorway, reaching for the roof.

"No!" Jim scrambled to his feet. Behind him, two claws wrenched him back down. Shouting in alarm, Jim spun on all fours but the claws pulled him closer to a gruesome face wrinkled and pointed like a snake.

"There's no time lad!" the snake face croaked, hanging off Jim's shirt, "He's seen old Billy Bones! He knows! He's a-comin!"

"What?" Jim tried to pull away. Sirens droned and men screamed. "What the—look you gotta get off me! My house is on fire! My mom is in—"

"Like the fires of Hell!" rasped Billy Bones eyes rolling in their sockets, "He's cartin' them shadowy devils across the sea! They'll be lookin' for old Billy! They'll be lookin' for this! He's a coming! He's a coming!"

"What?" Jim shook under the sailor's weight, "What are you—who's coming?"

Jim buckled as the heavy claw grasped the nape of his neck. Just as something round and cold was tucked under his arm the old sailor choked, making a horrible guttural sound.

A dark figure passed into the darkness as Billy Bones pressed close to Jim's ear.

"The man with the metal hand," the old pirate wheezed, clenching Jim's neck, "Beware of the man with the metal hand."

Billy Bones fell hard as a stone.

Jim stared at the dead man. Then, he stared at the metallic orb that the pirate had forced into his hands. So stunned was he, Jim failed to see a girl with blood-red hair sprint over the docks and across the rocky beach.

Heart pounding, Ariel did not stop until she reached a crossroad. Pausing at a lamppost only to catch her breath, she started up again, failing to notice three pairs of eyes watching her from a large stone building labeled 


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