Chapter 10: The Fox and The Archer

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Chapter 10: The Fox and The Archer

The second Jim entered the auditorium, he felt like a prisoner. Hundreds of eyes focused on him like spotlights and rumors followed his every gesture.

Weighted by the heavy stares, Jim slumped into the nearest empty seat. He had meant to hunt Wendy down and lecture her on how to the kick the crap out of ass holes, but the auditorium was swarming with unfamiliar faces – most of them still looking at him.

Ignoring the murmurs, Jim glared at his boots and imagined Pan squashed beneath them. Jim was still so livid that it was a while before he noticed the girl staring at him.

The girl was immediately recognizable by her crazy red hair and bow. The bow was propped in the empty seat between them, situated carefully like a regular person. Undaunted, the girl continued to stare over her bow at Jim.

"What?" Jim finally said.

The girl shrugged. "Ye should have clogged him."

Jim was momentarily caught off guard. Her accent was thicker than her hair. "I...should have...clogged?"

"Clogged..." A red fox sitting next to the girl leaned forward in his seat. He also sported bow. The fox flashed a toothy grin, "Clogged: dismantled, disemboweled. Believe me old chap we've all wanted to clog Pan at some point or another. You were just shy of the pleasure."

Congenially the fox held out his paw, "So well done, well done. I think you've earned an introduction. Robin's the name. Robin Hood. are?"

Jim eyed Robin's paw. He did not accept it.

"Jim." he finally said as the fox's claws retracted into the orange fur. Jim flinched as Robin seized his hand and gave it a hearty shake.

"Newcomer, eh Jim?"

Jim drew back his hand. "Sure."

"Friendly too." Robin said returning to his seat. Leaning back, the fox gestured to the girls at his side, "May I present my teammate: Merida. Merida, say hello to the chap that almost beheaded Peter Pan."

"We've met." Merida said. She had a very roguish smile, but sincere. "Robin and I are captains of the archery team."

"Five consecutive champions." Robin and Merida high fived. "Don't suppose you do any target shooting do you, Jim? When you're not beating up Peter Pan, that is."

Merida nudged Robin. "Knock it off you sod! What was the fight about in the firs' place anyway?"

Jim glared ahead. The stage was a bustle with adults – including the duck and the clock.

"He's an asshole."

Merida snorted. "Well aye. We knew that now, didn't we."

"Certainly Pan is unbearable." Robin agreed, "But that's hardly motivational."

Jim shrugged. Merida cocked her head as a group of girls filed in the front row. "Playing hero, were you?"

Robin's triangular ears perked. "Ahh! The valiant-defender-of-damsels card." Robin smoothed his whiskers vainly, "I've played that role many a time, many a time indeed. Well I must say –"

" - Here he goes -" Merida grumbled.

"Faint heart!" Robin proclaimed, paw over his heart, "...never won fair lady!"

The girls ahead of them were giggling. Jim slid down in his seat. "Whatever."

"Aye." Merida muttered, rubbing an eyebrow.

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