Chapter 32: Only in Trouble if You Get Caught

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Chapter 32: Only in Trouble if You Get Caught

Jim fell asleep.

For one stupid, haggard moment his head fell back onto the cold, hard cell. His eyes closed. He dreamt about something terrible that he couldn't remember.

And then the dream turned pink. Pink with a googly eyes and dimpled cheeks.

Groggily, Jim dragged a hand along his face.



"Morph!" Jim jolted up.

He smacked into Morph – the little pink blob was ringing loud as an alarm clock and shaking with glee. Upon impact with Jim's forehead, Morph exploded into a dozen pink amoebas and giggled all the way into the metal hand of Long John Silver.

"Oh great..."Jim rubbed his neck as the Sheriff of Nottingham unlocked the cell. Jim glared as Silver entered. He did not try to hide his displeasure. "Shit."

"Aye Lad." Without glancing down, Silver stepped over Mr. Darling's snoring body. Gears tickering Silver took Jim's collar and heaved him out of the cell. "Buckets and buckets o' it."

"Hey!" Jim objected. Craning, Jim looked back as the cell doors clanged shut. Mr. Darling snorted, but did not wake. "Hey! What's – ?"

"You're in trouble, Jimbo." said Silver. The cyborg's metal nails dug into the soft tissue over his collar bone. "Lot's of trouble."

"Only in trouble if you get caught." Jim tried to pry apart the cyborg's fingers. Silver grinned as Jim spotted the Sheriff. "What the Hell is this?"

"Ya made bail." muttered the Sheriff with a nasty, pointed scowl. Teeth exposed, the Sheriff handed Silver Jim's jacket, boots, and belt. "Dirty little whippersnapper."

"Aye, that he is Sheriff Yer Honor, Sir!" Silver agreed, hiking Jim by his collar. "But a tight ship's a happy ship, Yer Honor! Specially with high upholdin' officers such as yerself!"

Taking Jim's effects, Silver saluted. "And I'll see he's good an' punished! But now – off to the War Games! Good sailin' to ye, Sheriff! Regards to the bonnie Captain!"

"Hold it!" Jim fought as Silver carted him away. Squirming, like a fish, Jim dislodged himself from the cyborg's metal fingers. He turned and ran back up the jail steps. Smugly, the Sheriff slammed the door in his face.

"Get off!" Jim shouted. Slamming his fist, Jim pound on the jail doors until Silver pulled him away. Struggling , Jim thought of Wendy, John, and Michael. It was unfathomable, but every ounce of Jim needed to bring their father back home. "I said get off! Mr. D is still in there – "

"Yer in hot water already, Jimbo!" Silver growled, shoving Jim down the street. The magenta morning painted the roof tops. Fantasia School of the Magically Skewedblushed pink in the sunrise. "Yer lucky I bailed yer sorry bum in the first – "

"I didn't ask for your help!" Jim said angrily, catching the boot Silver threw at him. "And I was doing fine until – "

"Until ye attacked an officer for arrestin' a lush!" Silver pelted the second boot at Jim's head. Morph ducked as Jim staggered to catch it. "Master Merlin put you under my charge. And like it or not I'll be poundin' a few skills into that thick skull of y – "

"You can't do that!" Jim stuffed on his boot as Silver yanked him down the road. "I have detention with you for a week! Not a life time."

"Oh Jimbo!" Silver laughed. A terrible feeling filled Jim's stomach. "Oh Jimbo, Jimbo. How do you think your bail was paid?"


"Detention." grinned Silver. This teeth glinted in the red of his eye. "Detention until the end of the school year. In exchange for bail. Yer on probation with Long John Silver, Lad."


Silver counted gleefully on his mechanical hand. "You won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your bum without my sayin' so!"

"You! You can't! I have a job!"

"Goin' to be a might harder te work it – now that you're fired."


"Come now, Lad." Silver flung Jim his belt. It snapped like a whip before undulating to the ground. "I gets my kitchen ingredients from Tony. And trust you me – yer good an' fired!"

Jim seethed with anger. "This is bullshit!"

"Aye." agreed Silver, turning over Jim's jacket and rummaging through the pockets. "Aye. That it is. But me thinks Lad, that you'd be best to keep your bowls of shit for more...pressin' matters."

Finding the pockets empty, Silver tossed Jim the jacket. The castle loomed straight ahead. Horns were blowing. Bells were ringing. A nervous tension strained the air. The War Games were about to begin.

"By the way Lad..." Silver narrowed his mechanical eye, "...where's yer gift?"

Jim paused. He looked Silver dead in the eye. Then, he laughed.

"Think I'd tell you?" Jim shouldered on the jacket. "Cyborg?"

Silver's face darkened. "Ahhhhhhh. Ah. I see." The cyborg's voice was low. The red laser pulsed like blood through an open wound. Silver advanced. "Ye don't have it."

Silver's mechanical hand spread open. It reached for Jim like a metallic spider. "Well, then. Should be an interesting War Games. Take the word of Long John Silver, Lad..."

Jim fought. He fought as he and the cyborg entered the athletic arena. Students were gathered like gladiators for the slaughter.

Silver smiled, smelling the razor sharp fear. "Take my word...without a's all about bein' like a cyborg: resourceful."

"You mean cutthroat."

Silver laughed. He threw Jim into the arena.

"Only if ye get caught Lad. Only if ye get caught."

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