Chapter 26: Conceal, Don't Feel

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Chapter 26: Conceal, Don't Feel

Jim stood without gasping. He left the aisle without pausing. He climbed the stairs without wondering. He reached inside The Magic Bag of Tricks without wishing.

Jim was – in all respects – a cyborg. Human yes, but operated with a robotic emotionality. His father's betrayal had a rewiring effect: Jim attacked every obstacle before fear or hope attacked him. As a result, Jim was never pleased or disappointed. He simply was. Never was there a surprise.

Jim had only been surprised by fate three times, since. The first was by a little girl named Wendy Darling, who understood his pain. The second was by Ariel Triton, a girl that made his heart stop. 

The third was when he reached into The Magic Bag of Tricks.

Tidal waves of joy surged through Jim. Rapt in emotion, Jim lost sight of the mouse and the wizard. Galaxies erupted in Jim's mind, as if he was solar surfing through a tunnel of stars, turning sharply at the last, unpredictable moment.

Overwhelmed, Jim staggered backward. The vision stopped as he tore away. Heart somersaulting, Jim looked at the object in his hand.

It was Billy Bones' metallic orb.

Jim didn't need to hear Peter and Wendy gasp to be surprised.

"Hmm..." Headmaster Mickey reached for the bronze orb. Reflexively, Jim shifted away. Untroubled, Headmaster Mickey opened his hand.

"Try twisting it, Jim." Headmaster Mickey recommended. To Jim's raised eyebrow, the headmaster clarified. "See the deep lines cut into the orb? Different patterns and combinations may unlock the orb. It's a puzzle. Like a Rubrics cube."

Jim looked down, newly interested. A mechanical problem. Intrigued, Jim studied the fissures crisscrossing over the bronze orb. Brain turning like an engine, Jim placed his fingers gently over the orb.

A red light reflected off the metal. Jim paused. He saw Silver from the corner of his eye.

Jim lifted his hand. "I'll work on it." he said, pocketing the orb and exiting the stage. Purposefully, he glared at Silver. The cyborg smiled back.

"Jim Hawkins...." Headmaster Mickey recited to the quill. Disappointedly, the mouse watched Jim shuffle offstage. "Magical Item: Metal Orb. We'll keep tabs on your progress, then. Who knows what that will unlock. Well..."

Headmaster Mickey consulted the Once Upon a Time book. Walking over the last step, Jim looked for Wendy. As Headmaster Mickey called the last student – Arthur Pendragon (Wart) – Jim slid sideways across the aisle.

Feeling the cyborg's gaze, Jim bent over Wendy.

"Here." Furtively, Jim stuffed the orb under Wendy's hoodie. "Take it."

"Jim - ?"

"Meet me later." He said, shaking away her hand. "Whatever you do, keep it safe."

"—but –?"

Jim turned, leaving Wendy's questions unanswered.

Residual fears from the Magic Bag of Tricks held Jim like a vice. Billy Bones had given him that little metal orb. The exchange cost the sailor his life. Somehow, Billy Bones had known something about the Wishing Star.

And so had someone else. The person that set the Benbow on fire. The person that attacked the school. The person that murdered Billy Bones.

Jim increased speed, trying to outpace his beating heart. Conclusions and extrapolations burned inside his head. Something was not right. Evil forces must already be moving. And whether or not the Headmaster knew, Jim was sure he and the rest of FantasiaSchool for the Magically Skewed were closer to danger than they knew.

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