Chapter 57: Just Let Me In

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Chapter 57: Just Let Me In

"Why do you smell like boy?"

Wendy covered Michael with a thick quilt. Cotton bubbled from the worn corners as she tucked in the edges. The silver thimble swung gently against Peter's green T-shirt.

"How do you know what a boy smells like?" Wendy asked. Bending over to retrieve Teddy, she blushed: Peter's clothes did smell like boy. It was intoxicating.

Michael took Teddy. "I'm a boy." he said as Wendy sat beside him. "And Teddy's a boy."

Wendy smiled. Tentatively, she reached for Michael's head. She stopped, finger's hovering. "I suppose I can't argue with that, smart boy."

Michael picked at Teddy's ears. He looked up at Wendy's hand hovering over his head.

"I..." shyly, Wendy drew away her hand. Her needle and thread were still woven into her hoodie, drying in the other room. But she was scared. " Are you all ready for bed?"

Micheal nodded. His little nose peeked over the thick covers. "It's cold."

Wendy bunched the covers closer. "I'm know. And I'm sorry. We don't have heat." Trying to remain upbeat, she rubbed Teddy's head. "Snuggle with Teddy tonight. Real hard. Think of lovely warm things."

"Like what?" Michael asked, sleepily. His pale eyelashes fluttered into the pillow.

Gingerly, Wendy touched her little brother's cheek. "Campfires. Marshmallows. S'mores." She smiled, absently stroking Michael's cheek. "Pretend you are flying a dragon and roasting marshmallows on the sun."

Dreamily Michael smiled. "Does my dragon know Superman?"

Wendy laughed. "Of course."

"Does my dragon fight Superman?"

"Sometimes. Just for fun."

Michael's breath slowed. "Does Superman like marshmallows?"

"Very much." Gently, Wendy kissed Michael's forehead. "Good night."

Michael was still. For a moment, Wendy sat, just watching his peaceful slumber. With loving envy, she rubbed Michael's downy golden hair before rising.


Wendy paused. Her hand cupped over the light. "Yes?"

Michael yawned. His little hand stretched over his little mouth. "When is Daddy coming back?"

Nails cut through Wendy's heart. Excruciatingly, she wrestled between lies and truth.

"I don't know, Michael." she said, softer than falling snow. Then, shaking her head, Wendy straightened, and clicked off the light. "But I promise...I'm going to take care of you. And John."

"Just like Mommy?"

Wendy almost cried. She nodded as Michael drifted asleep. "I'll...try."

"Good luck to you."

Wendy turned. "John! John what are – John where are you going?"

"Tigerlily's." John said, shouldering his backpack and umbrella. "For the night. See you in schoo – "

"—on no you're not!" Wendy grabbed John' umbrella. "Even if you were allowed to sleep at a girl's house, Tigerlily lives all the way in the Northern Sect – "

"—I'll be fine!" John ripped back the umbrella. Huffing, he stormed down the stairs. "And you can't tell me what to do!"

"John!" Wendy chased John down the stairs. Desperately, she pushed aside kitchen chairs. "John, please! It's late and I don't want you to get hurt!"

"I think!" John snarled, wrenching open the door. "That you've hurt everyone enough, don't you Wendy?"

Wendy stepped back. John's words gutted right through her. "John...John, I'm sorry."

John shook his head. Tears brimmed behind his glasses. "Really? You're really sorry? Well... Father's never coming back! If you are truly sorry..." bopping his top hat, John turned out the door. "...then tell Michael the truth!"

The door slammed in Wendy's face.

When she opened it, John was gone.

"No!" Wendy threw the door, hard as she could. Then, she opened it and threw it again. And again. And again. Over and over she slammed the door until her arm hurt.


Back against the door, Wendy slid down. No tears left to cry, she wrapped both arms around her knees. She bowed her head. She breathed deep. She smelled Peter.

Then someone knocked on the door.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Wendy lifted her head.


Tap. Tap. Tap.


Wendy closed her eyes. Wordlessly, she leaned her head against the door.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Wendy...Wendy come on." Jim's voice was small. Painful. "I know you're in there."

Wendy opened her mouth. But she couldn't speak. Every fear, every nightmare was chained inside her. Unable to come out. Pulling her into Hell.

"Wendy...just let me in."

John echoed in her head: You've hurt everyone enough.


She could hear Jim. Right outside the door.


Silently, Wendy bowed her head, burying herself into the night.

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