Chapter 121: The Coronation

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Chapter 121: The Coronation

Well, happily ever after seemed just around the river bend, as the saying goes.

Oh certainly there was the pesky problem of the Otherland and its wandering eyes. But all that seemed very far away. After all, Fantasia had been taken, broken hearts were mended, and goodness the Fantasians knew how to throw a party!

Students, shivering in their summer clothes, warmed with huge, gooey slices of Tony's cheese pizza (and Joe even permitted Tiana to offer complimentary tobacco sauce without too much Italian slur). Elsa froze the cobblestone and Olaf lead the ice skating races. There was music for every ear, dancing for open arms, and enough laughter to blow the lanterns high.

Yes. It seemed that the prophesy had been fulfilled! Everyone had a story to tell. And although there wasn't a professional story teller to document the taking of Fantasia, it seemed that each story would be sealed with a big, fat, quintessential 'happily ever after.' seemed.

Because as the Fantasians celebrated, they failed to notice the Wishing Star throbbing behind the lanterns' glow.

Aladdin scampered up the stairs. Ignoring the stunned professors and licensed-to-kill Cobra Bubbles, he spun to face the crowd.

"Hey! Students of Fantasia School for the Magically Skewed! Listen up peeps! I have an announcement!"

The crowed turned. Peter swung Michael onto his shoulders. Ariel and John smiled, standing on tiptoe to see.

Aladdin held up two fingers. "Two things! First! We just freaking saved Fantasia!"

It was received well. The students jumped up and down, never tiring of those wonderful, hard earned words. Peter floated as he jumped, and Michael bounced happily against his red head. John raised a triumphant first. And Ariel, unable to cheer, applauded instead.

Aladdin grinned. Then, he silenced the crowd by holding the golden lamp over his head.

"Second! I still have one wish left! All thanks to Ariel!" Aladdin rubbed the lamp. "Right Genie?"

The lamp sputtered. Genie spiraled form the spout."Corrrrrecto-mundo Al!"

The crowd went absolutely berserk as Genie threw an imaginary tidal wave into the sky. Peter's shadow and the pixies scattered as the tidal wave suddenly dripped apart into rain sparkles.

Genie smiled at the happy upturned faces. Returning Aladdin's high five, he pointed at a star. The star wobbled as Genie focused its glow on Ariel like a spotlight.

"That's right heroes and heroines! Arrrrrrrrrriel Trrrrrriton! She rocked-em-socked-em-roboted-them bad guys to smithereens to save my ever loving magic lamp! Shake it up for the littlest mermaid, folks! Come on ev-ray bod-ay! Shake it up!"

"Yay Ariel!" Rapunzel danced. "Yay!"

"Silent but not unspoken!" Flynn tossed his frying pan in the air. "Ouch!" he said as it fell and bonked his head.

"Ye deserved that, ye doober!" Merida laughed, returning Robin's bear hug. "Daffy doober. All's well. Go Ariel!"

Ariel grinned. Then, after an encouraging nod from Peter, she jabbed her trident overhead. Blue, turquoise, and emerald lighting splintered into the sky. Admiral Triton smiled, please with his daughter.

Aladdin hopped up and down, vying for attention.

"Yeah! Go Ariel! But hey listen up! I have one more wish to make! So – Genie: I wish for your freedom!"

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