Chapter 34: War Games (Jim)

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Chapter 34: War Games (Jim)

Jim lost sight of Wendy.

Forgetting the orb and sprinting empty handed, Jim had headed for Wendy, calling her name. Wendy had looked up. Ariel did too. And Jim had faltered, just for a second, as Ariel forced his eye contact.


Jim tasted grass and dirt and Peter tackled him to the ground. Twisting onto his back, Jim rolled to avoid the running students. Peter's red head snapped up as Kay approached and threw his jousting stick.


Jim dove. Peter shot vertically into the air. The jousting stick flew through Jim's jacket, pinning him to the ground.

"Later Rat Tail." Peter kicked upward as Kay charged. "I've got a girl to have some fun with before I tag her out."

"Shit!" Jim wriggled out of his jacket. Scampering to his feet, Jim ran. The earth sucked as Kay dislodged his weapon.

Jim heard whistling as the jousting stick flew at his skull.

Brain lurching with indecision, Jim ducked. Kay swore as the jousting stick sliced into the forest. Jim rolled furiously, covering his face.

"Look out! Kristoff look out! Kristoff listen to me your going to get – "

THUD! Jim rolled into Kristoff, a husky blonde partnered with Anna. Realizing his flaw, Jim quickly pushed Kristoff away. Magic spiraled down his hand.

"Oh no." Anna said, in a small defeated voice.

"Oh! Come on! Seriously!" Kristoff blurted as a crusty, blue magic sparkled over his body like a cocoon. In seconds he was encapsulated. Frozen.

Jim stared. Suddenly something grunted in his ear. Jim turned. WHAM! Kristoff's gift, a reindeer, attacked.

"It's not nice!" Anna yelled, reaching for Jim through the reindeer's antlers. "To sneak up and freeze people! Get him Sven! Get him for poor frozen Kristoff!"

"Anna!" Rapunzel shouted, jumping up and down. Her hair was glowing residually from her incantation song. The golden locks were looped around Flynn's frozen forearm. And under Rapunzel's incantation, the magic crust was peeling away. "Anna! I just unfroze Flynn! Try it! Try – oh! Flynn! Flynn wake up! Look out!"

"Whaaaa? Oh no! Run Blondie! Head for the hills!"

Shaking off flecks of magic, Flynn bolted as Clopin and Esmeralda materialized from thin air. In three skips, Flynn stopped. Gaston was waiting at the edge of the forest.

Awkwardly, Flynn brandished his frying pan. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no! This is it, Blondie! This is the end of the road! The bottom of the barrel! The – "

"Give me that!" Rapunzel jumped forward, seizing the frying pan. In one stroke, Gaston was knocked out cold.

"Whoa-chee-mama!" Flynn whooped as Clopin and Esmeralda backed away from Rapunzel before disappearing. "That's it Blondie! That's my partner –"

"Run!" Rapunzel interrupted, sprinting into the forest. "Come on! We're behind!"

"Hey! Hey!" Flynn objected, racing after Rapunzel. Waving his arms, he picked up speed as Kenai – transformed into a bear – lumbered from the forest to make chase. "Hey, Blondie! That's my freaking frying pan!"

"Anna!" Rapunzel's voice was muffled by trees. "Anna! The magic! Oh – Flynn! Not again!"

"Oh, oh right! Ummmmmmmm...." Ignoring Jim, Anna pressed her hands on Kristoff's frozen chest. Nervously she closed her eyes, willing the sun to shine through her fingertips. Slowly, Kristoff melted.

Desperately, Jim struggled against Sven the reindeer as Kristoff unfroze. Antlers compressed his chest as the reindeer rattled him into the dirt. Wheezing, Jim seized an antler. Sven reared, throwing Jim several feet away.

"I did it!" Jim heard Anna exclaim happily. "I totally just unfroze you!"

Jim scuffled to his feet. The reindeer's sharp hooves stabbed into his calves as he ran.

"Yeah, yeah congrats, Sunshine!" Kristoff grumbled, working out of Anna's hug. "Sven! Sven! This way! Come on! Leave him!"

Jim's ran with all his might. In the distance, Kristoff was voicing-over Sven's thoughts, a magical power granted by the Wishing Star. "But he froze you, Kristoff. And he's defenseless. He doesn't have a weapon. Easy freeze."

"Yeah." Jim muttered breathlessly. His ribs were bruised. A band of pain wrapped around his torso. Grinding his teeth, Jim plunged into the forest. "But not for long."

He had to find Wendy.

Before Peter Pan.

Without getting tagged.

Or dying.

Jim willed his arms and legs to pump harder. Screams and flashes of blue magic whorled around the dark branches.

Gonna be a fun freaking three mile run.

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