Hella turnt

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Cam, Nash, Jack, Jane, Marianna and I all walked into the room. It was dark, but had black lights and flashing ones everywhere. The stage was lit, that's where Mahogany was. God she's pretty. It looked pretty full.

"Come on!" Cameron dragged Jane into the middle of the room and pointed at Mahogany.

She nodded and started playing music, everyone just bursted into dance.

"Come." Jack pulled me on to the dance floor and started dancing with me.

The music had a fast beat, but I didn't know the track so I just danced. Jack had a huge smile plastered across his face as we moved to the music.

"Did I surprise you?" He half yelled over the music.

"Damn rights!" I giggled.

We continued to dance and just have a good time. Everyone was so chill and there was just good vibes all around.

"Wanna go for a smoke?" I heard Johnson asked Jack.

He looked at me, and I shrugged. "Comin?"

I looked at Jane, who was laughing with Cameron and Nash. She wouldn't notice me gone.

"What the hell." I followed Jack & Jack out to the back of the hotel.

"We gotta go across the street, but there's a park." Johnson pointed at the park that was barely light up by street lamps.

We crossed the street and went away from the road and Jack lit the smoke. It was passed around, no one spoke.

"We're in freaking LA. We've officially made it babe." Jack kissed me as I passed the joint to Jack.

"And you my friend." He turned to Jack, took a puff and passed it to me. "I love you Jack."

"Love you too man." They hugged and I couldn't help but giggle. They looked cute.

"Last one." I took a small breath in and gave it to Johnson.

I held the smoke in as I walked over to the pond off to the left. The lights looked pretty in the reflection. I exhaled.

"Babe." Jack pulled my arm. "Let's go before we get caught."

"Be there in a minute. Go ahead." I waved them off and watched as they went back.

I sat at the small bench and looked across the water. I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. It was a text. There was 2 messages.

From: My Man ❤️😍😘
We got someone to pull, come back babe we'll get hella turnt 😘😉.

I smiled and read the other message. It was from Dan.

From: Danny Boy
I don't trust those boys. Anything sketchy, I'll be right there.

Sometimes, it sucks having Dan around because he's a cop, but Jane loves him, so I'm happy.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and went back into the hotel. I walked in through the front doors, but I was stopped as I got into the lobby.

"Excuse me ma'am, no one's allowed in here unless you've got a room past 11pm." The person sitting behind the desk said.

"I'm staying here. My boyfriends in that party." I pointed down the hall.

"Last name?" He typed something into the computer.

"McCarthy." I leaned on to the desk.

"Sorry. No one under McCarthy is staying at this hotel. Would you like to book?" He asked, moving around papers.

"No, I've got a room. I swear." I started to walk away.

"Miss McCarthy. You can't go in there." He chased after me.

"But my sister's in there!" I turned around.

"Look. We get this a lot. And just cause there's a "magcon" thing happening tomorrow and you wanna see them is no excuse. Now please leave or book a room." He went back behind the desk.

I slumped down into a chair and started at the guy.

"Hey, uhm is this where the party's at?" Three guys walked in. They all were attractive.

"Last name?" The person looked up.

"Lawley. Their with me." He pointed at the two guys who stood behind him.

The one guy looked at me and smirked. It was the dude from the plane. I rolled me eyes.

"Kian?" The worker looked through a list.

"Yup." He popped the 'p'

"Down the hall, take a left and I'm sure you'll find it." The worker rolled his eyes as Kian and crew walked down the hall.

"I'm on that list." I spoke once they were gone.

"Do you want me to check?" The worker asked.

"Duh." I stood up and went to the counter.

"McCarthy right?" He asked.

I nodded.

"No McCarthy is on this list. Sorry." He threw the list on the desk.

"I'm calling the cops." I grabbed my phone and went to dial.

"Oh no! Please don't. I'm sorry but I can not let you in by law." He ran around so he was on the other side of the desk.

"But you'll get in trouble." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes as the phone rang.

"Ashton? You okay?" Dan's voice filled my ears.

"No. They aren't letting me in the hotel." I walked away from the worker so he couldn't hear me.

"Where are you?" Dan asked.

"In the lobby. Can you please come get me?" I was ready for bed.

"Yeah, just a minute. Then I think it's time Marianna and Jane come back." Dan hung up.

"They're coming." I walked back over to the counter.

"You're the one who's going to be getting in trouble missy." The guy laughed.

Dan came out of the elevator. "Ashton." He walked over to the desk.

"Sir, do you know her?" The worker asked.

"She's my sister-in-law. Is there a problem?" Dan asked.

"Oh no, she called the police so they are coming and I'm not dealing with them." The worker rolled his eyes.

I saw Dan's face turn red with anger. "I think they are here." He walked out the door.

I smirked as Dan put his glasses on and walked in.

"Who are you?" The worker asked.

"Officer Dan Joseph. Omaha police. What's the problem?" Dan showed him his badge.

"No problem. Please proceeded. Sorry ma'am." The worker stuttered.

I bursted out laughing and Dan smiled at me.

"Come on Ash." We walked into the elevator, laughing together.

"Thanks Danny boy." I hugged him.

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