You got fans

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{let's pretend that's a real picture}❤️


I first spotted Aaron, who was taking a picture with a little blonde girl.

Awkwardly standing there, he noticed and greeted me.

"There you are Ashton! Jack and Mahogany have been looking everywhere for you. Just work your way down." Aaron politely smiled and looked up at the next fan.

I walked behind the camera people, getting a "Hey." or a wave from Cameron, Hayes, Taylor and Nash.

"OMG are you Ashton?" A girl with eyes that matched Nash's surprised me. She was with Matt.

"Oh hey Ashton! I think you'll spot Jack. I mean he's right there." Matt pointed to his left and there stood Carter then Jack and Jack.

"Uhm thanks. I guess I should-"

"Stay here! You got fans so take some pics!" Matt smiled at the girl her hugged him one last time and went to Carter.

"Hey cutie! What's your name?" Matt hugged the next girl.

"Maggie. Can you please follow me on twitter?" She passed Matt a piece of paper and he shoved it into his pocket.

"For sure! Smile!" They wrapped their arms around each other and I stepped out of the way.

"Thanks Matt!" Maggie went on with her life.

"I better go. I told Mahogany I'd hang out with her. See you later." I waved to Matt, who I am almost positive wasn't paying attention to me.

I stepped back over the line, past Carter's station and put on my biggest smile ever when I saw Johnson's blond hair. "J, I finally found you." I hugged him.

"Whoa whoa who- Oh! Ash!" He hugged back. "Gilinsk just went to grab some markers because someone stole ours."

We let go, noticing all the girls who were waiting. "Cool. This is insane. Little Omaha boy in California. A couplea mid-west kids." I looked at all the fans, who had the boys' names written all over their body parts.

"Dream baby!" Jack came up front behind me and kissed my cheek, setting down the markers on the table.

"Next!" The camera man called. It was that Maggie who I saw with Matt.

"Could you sign this please and follow me on twitter?" She laid down a picture of them.

"Yup and what's your  at name?" Johnson scribbled on the paper.  "Ash can you write it down?"

"Sure!" I faked a smile and grabbed a marker. "I will write it on my arm i guess. what is it?"

They took the picture and gave hugs. "Here. I can do it." Maggie took the marker and harshly wrote. "Thanks!"  She threw the marker at me, almost making it draw all over Mahogany's shirt.

"What is it?" Jack asked, after another girl passed through.

I twisted my arm around to read. "Uhn at gilinsky_fxck_me." She's one of them who got mad at me.

Both Jacks laughed, which made a really great picture for the girl. "I like it."

The girl raised the marker, signaling if she could write. I held out my arm and she smiled. "Thank you Ashton. Could I get a picture after?" She looked up as she wrote.

"Sure thing sweetie." I set down my handful of markers and took out my phone, holding it up to our faces. "I'll tweet it out, but first I'll tweet my name out on Jack's phone so you can find me." I smiled as she thanked me and walked away.

"Marianna and Jane go through yet?" I took a sip of Jack's water.

"They were like the first people in here. Mahogany got them in and we took-" Johnson stopped talking for the picture. "A big group one. Jane said something about going shopping or-" Another picture.

"I'll find them later." I held out my arm once again for some girl to write her twitter.

"Smile!" She held up her phone and snapped a picture. "Thanks!"

"Almost as famous as us!" Shawn nudged me. I didn't notice the tall boy beside us.

"Nah. Just want Jack and Jack follows. I am just playing paper." I gave a small wave to Johnson and stepped closer to Shawn.

"Don't worry. We are almost done. It's getting to be too hot and we do not want anyone to faint." Shawn posed with a girl and sent her on her way.

"True that. I don't understand how you're wearing jeans and a flannel." I fanned myself with a paper that was on the table.

"I am Canadian." He laughed and took another picture.

"Man. Lots of repetition eh?"  I looked back at everyone, there was about 50 more people to go through.

"Yeah. I hate this 'Smile, snap, sign and see ya' thing. Ron said it'd be easier-" He smiled for the picture. "And quicker."

"It is quicker, but the fans paid so much for like a minute max thing." I passed someone a marker and the wrote on me.

"It's the first show on this leg. And this is the first tour for this kind of thing."

I couldn't keep track of how many people Shawn had gotten through since me being here, but trying made me dizzy. I sat down behind his table.

"You can go to Mahogany. She is at the end near the door, which is trying to keep us all cool. Plus she said that if we find you, you have to report to her at once." Shawn laughed, hugging the girl, who signed my arms.

"I probably should then. I"ll see you after." I got up and started to walk away. "Wait, what is the plan for after or." I asked.

"Just stay by one of us. They will remove-" "Everyone who doesn't have a pass, and I think they drew-" "Some bracelets for like a quick hang out with us." Shawn quickly drank from his water before taking another picture.

"Okay thanks Shawn." I gave him a side hug, after the girl stepped away. "See you in a bit."

He waved and I turned around to see that Jacob was right there and after that, Mahogany. Perfect. I slipped past him and smiled widely as her beautiful curly hair came into clear sight.

"Ashy take pictures with me!" Mahogany pulled my arm so I right beside her. A girl who was just getting to Shawn right before I left stood between us. She thanked us and exited the room.

About 15 pictures later, Paula came up. "Hey girl!" I hugged her.

"Ashton! Hey Mahogany!" She smiled as we posed. "Thank you for everything Ashton. I gotta go-"

I stepped away from Mahogany and took off my V.I.P pass. "Here, They won't kick you out now. Just chill by the stage. I'll get you after." I slipped it over her head and she squealed.

"No way! Thank you!!!" Paula put me in a death grip of a hug.

"You're welcome. Thank you for helping me find Jack." I waved her on, because I knew the end was near and I was ready to finish.

"Four more." Mahogany whispered in my ear, causing my knees to almost give out when she kissed my neck.

They seemed to take forever, but finally we were done. Security was clearing everyone out, and cleaned up some of the trash that was left. Everyone was slowly making their way down to us girls, because we had to also exit and it gave everybody a chance to get some air or use the washroom.

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