My LA baby

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I was thrilled when the plane went through bumps and Mikey got sick many times. Serves him right.

We just got off the plane and are looking for our bags. Dan grabbed mine, then Marianna's, his and finally Jane's.

"Everyone ready?" Jane was way to happy about this.

We left the airport in a cab, got to our hotel and Jane checked us in.

"I'm going shopping. Coming Anna?" Jane grabbed her purse.

Marianna jumped up and rushed to put her shoes on.

"Ashton, ya coming?" Dan asked.

I bursted out laughing, which was very rude. But I don't shop.

"She hates shopping." Jane said to Dan. "Be nice Ash." She said to me with a clenched jaw.

"I'll be here, I might go to the pool." I went back to my phone.

"Text me if you leave!" Jane said as they left.

Jack hasn't texted me and it's been almost 8 hours. I called him.


"Where the fuck are you?" I asked.

"Hey babe, I'm doing well thanks for asking." Jack said sarcastically.

"Finnegan. Where are you."

"Chill Carls, I'm at my hotel." He said something to someone else.

"Who's with you?" I was worried it was a girl.

"My friends babe, don't worry. Hey, your in LA right?" He asked.

I relaxed a bit. "Yeah, got here about an hour ago.

"You're my LA baby." You could tell Jack was smirking.

"Well you're LA baby misses you." I sat up.

"What hotel are you at?"


"What hotel."

"The Double Tree" {idk if that's a hotel there, but there's one where I live}

"Room?" He asked.

"Second floor, room 174." I sighed.

"Okay, hey, I'll see you in a while."

"I want to see you now." I frowned.

"I know baby girl. Who's all with you?" He asked.

"Just me." Someone knocked. "Hold up I gotta answer the door."

I got up and opened the door.

"Who's there?" Jack asked.

"JACK YOU FUCKER!" I dropped my phone and ran into his arms.

"Hey baby girl." He kissed me.

"Why the fuck are you in LA?" I asked.

"Because......." He bit his lip.

"Jack, tell me." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Because I'm apart of Magcon. Johnson's here too!" Jack surprised me.

"What?!? Is that why you left? To come here?" I pulled him back into my room.

"Yeah. No family emergency. I just wanted to surprise you." He laid me down on the bed and hovered me.

I smirked and kissed his lips. You could tell he was waiting to do this all day.

"Babe I'm sorry I lied." Jack went to kissing my neck.

"It's fine." I moaned.

"Do you wanna meet the guys? And girl?" Jack sucked on my sensitive skin.

"In a bit." I pulled his face back up to mine and kissed him hard.

{Jack and Ashton's relationship is very grown up, so if you don't understand, maybe you should stop reading. I put a warning up}

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