I'm going to kill him

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"What happened?" Jack asked as we walked away from the house.

"Got a smoke?" I stopped.

"Like a good smoke or cigaret?" Jack reached in his pockets.

"Either or." I didn't care if I got caught. I needed to calm myself.

"Why?" Jack pulled out a tiny joint.

"Because I'm going to kill him if I don't." I took it and lit it. The smoke filled my lungs and it felt good.

"Sit." I demanded. Jack sat down beside me.

"Call Sam." I passed him the smoke.

He pulled out his phone and called him.

"Hey, come to the park."

"Just do it." Jack took a drag and hung up.

"He's coming. Said he just got home. We got about 10 minutes."

I passed it back to him. "Finish it."

He nodded and took the biggest breath he could.

I got up, moved about six feet over and started digging a little hole.

"We gotta hide it." I struggled. Jack threw it in and I covered it.

"To the park." I took his hand and we walked across the field.

"Hey Jack, what's up?" Sam and Johnson walked up, Sam had some type of smoke hanging from his lips.

"Let's go for a walk." Jack pointed to the big open field that was used to play football sometimes.

Everyone walked in silence, other then Johnson laughing at his phone.

I stopped once we were far away from everything.

"What did you tell Marianna today?" Jack asked.

Sam let out a laugh. "We walked probably about 2 miles so you could ask me that?"

"Jane doesn't know. And her cop boyfriend is home." I said.

"Oh shit. Bet that's fun with all that weed, eh G?" Sam punched his shoulder.

"What did you tell Marianna." Jack didn't even move.

"I told her my ideas, of to get rid of it and be done. She disagreed." Sam shrugged.

"Sam. She's 13 and if you haven't noticed, she loves children so she sure as hell ain't going to get rid of her own." I let go of Jack's hand and I was closer to Sam now.

"Feisty. Damn." Sam smirked.

"You fucked Marianna?" Johnson asked, as if he missed the whole bus.

"Yes he did. He also got her drunk for the first time in her life, had sex, and now she's pregnant." I clenched my jaw.

"Little Marianna? Really Sam?" Johnson was on our side.

"And Samuel thinks he can just walk away." Jack added.

"Fuck no your aren't. Dude, she's way to young for you in the first place and now she's got your kid in her body."

I was happy that Johnson was on my team. We didn't really talk, but Jack always said he's got his head in the right spot.

"Who's side you on? I brought you so they couldn't kill me." Sam yelled at him.

"Whoa Sam, we just want you to deal with this like a man." Jack put his hand on his shoulder.

"What am I going to do? My parents are going to kill me. I'm going to get kicked out bro. I'd have to come clean about everything." Sam rubbed his face.

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