Stupider isn't a word

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I was mad at Jack for taking her to that party, and mad at all them for leaving her but I'm mostly mad at myself for not telling her where I was going. It's my fault that this beautiful 13 year old has a baby in her tummy.

"Gilinsky." I went into the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, icing his face.

"What's up bae?"

"No." I shook my head.

"What? I'm not mad about my face, as long as our deal still stands." He winked at me.

"Marianna's pregnant because of your "great friends" cousin." I blurted out.

"What? Are you sure? Wait what friend?" Jack stood up.

"Sam? She told me that you came here looking for me, so she took you to that party were she thought I was but I wasn't and you ditched her. Then Sam's cousin got her drunk or drugged or both and fucked her." I tried to relax because I knew a fight could be present.

"Sam's cousin. You mean Nate? Naah. He's the oldest out of us. Plus he's got a girlfriend. Skate was with us the whole time. Sam was the one who went back to find her. We were in the back yard." Jack's face soon came to a realization when he finished talking.

"Sam fucked her." He sighed. "Look babe. I'm sorry. I didn't think he would because she's only 13."

"She's only 13! You took a 13 year old female to a fucking high school party with drugs, alcohol and sex is present. The child is helpless! Her innocence is gone because of you and your friends. She's fucking 13. This screws up her whole damn life because your one friend can't keep it in his pants." I screamed in his face.

"Ashton. Please. I know it was stupid and-"

"What is possibly stupider then that?" I cut him off.

"First off, 'stupider' isn't a word. Second, your the one who fucked off and she was just tryin help us find you. So this isn't all my fault." Jack yelled.

I was hoping he didn't bring that up, because I knew it was true.

"Jack don't yell at me! The kids are sleeping!" I whisper-yelled.

"You started this!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky. Don't you raise your voice at me or so help me child." I shushed him.

"Well miss Ashley Carly McCarthy, I'll have you know that I am two years old then you so I could legally leave this fucking town and be in college getting somewhere in life but no, I love you too fucking much to leave!"

I felt like a totally bitch for calling out Jack after he said that. It was true. He's 18 and could be getting an education and get a good job but he didn't leave because I asked him to stay.

"Jack. I-I-I I'm sorry." I stuttered.

"Shut the fuck up. You and I both know you ain't." Jack left me standing in the kitchen.

"Jack. I love you too and I'm super happy that you stayed to put up with me and I'm sorry that you gave up your life for me but you have to understand that it's give and take. She's 13 and can't just forget about this. What if I was pregnant? Do you know what that does to a person?" I followed him upstairs.

"Did you forget how old my mum was when she had me? She was 16 Ashton. Your age. Are you saying that she did a bad job? I'm fine." Jack was in Sandy's old room.

"Your mum is an amazing women. I didn't say that it's not possible, I just said that it's hard and she'll be 14 when this kid comes." I closed the door.

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