Have another.

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•{⚠️} warning. Sexual•

Carter ruined our silly little game so we stopped playing it soon after.

Jack & Jack went to bed because they were tired, Matt went with.

Cameron, Nash, Taylor, Mahogany and I all sat around, finishing off whatever was left of the drinks. Mahogany had already 4, and she was working on 5. I had my three and am sharing one with Cameron.

"Have another." Taylor passed his half bottle to me and bid his goodnight to us.

"What time is it?" Nash yawned.

"1:20 am." {legit time. It's a school night. #yolo} I checked my phone. I had three messages from Jane, saying they were leaving at noon and she wanted to have breakfast with me and that Dan had gone out with his friends making her bored. I sent a quick okay to her and put my phone back under my leg.

"Can I have my shirt back?" Mahogany giggled.

Cameron worked almost harder to get that shirt off then he did to put it on. "Shit. I think it's ripped."

He slid out his head and looked it over. "I'll buy you a new shirt. Sorry."

"No worried." Mahogany removed Cameron's shirt and you could see the marks I left on her in the dim light that the patio lamps gave off.

"Who did that?" Nash asked.

I quickly finished Taylor's drink and put the bottle in the box.

"Ashton did. Jacob would never." Mahogany admired her chest.

I quickly grabbed the bottle from the table and downed it.

"You did that?" Nash asked.

I didn't remove the empty bottle from my mouth but nodded.

Cameron and Nash cheers'ed and drank up. Mahogany smirked at me.

"And wait till you see what I can do to her."

I choked on the neck of the bottle.

She came and straddled my lap and placed her hands behind my head. I nervously bit down on my lip as she ground her hips into mine.

"Whoa. We better go." Nash scrambled to his feet.

"Night." Cameron copied his actions and ran to the door.

"Kiss me like you fucking mean it." She harshly bit my neck, I'm positive she left marks but I did was she said.

She tugged my hair and I slid my hands under her bra, playing with her boobs.

"Fuck me Ashton. Right here. Right now." She whispered in my ear, got off and started to remove her pants.

I undid my jeans and slid them off my legs, putting them on the chair beside us.

Mahogany was fully stripped of her tank and pants and I was just pantless. "Make me scream."

She pulled me on top of her, pushing our hips together.

I kissed her neck and moved my hands to her underwear band.

My fingers twisted the lace, making her moan into my hair.

"Do it." She pushed my shoulders down to her hips.

I pushed her panties aside and slowly put in one finger, pumping slowly to start.

I earned a moan. I quickened my speed and added another finger.  Mahogany let out a really high pitched scream, that'd you think would make people wonder who's being murdered.

"Ashton." She totally let go of me and collapsed under me, letting me know she was done.

I removed my fingers and sat up, watching her chest rise and lower at a quick speed.

"Now what?" Her weak voice cracked.

I sighed, looking around at the mess we made. "We clean up and go to bed."

I got off of her and grabbed a napkin, wiping my hands clean. "Here." I handed her a few to clean herself up with.

"So that's it?" Mahogany sat up.

"What do you mean?" I slide the right jeans back on.

"You just made me feel amazing and now we're just going to act like it didn't happen?" She grabbed her underwear and shirt.

"You're drunk." I started to clean up all bottles and caps we left laying around.

"And?" She pulled up her hair into a bun.


"Fuck you Ashton!" She started to bawl. "I thought you loved me!"

"Mahogany, please." I reached for her arm.

"No! Don't touch me! Don't talk to me! Don't even come near me!" She jumped up, taking her pants and key and ran to the door.

I opened my mouth but closed it quickly. I just finished cleaning, making sure it was left nicely and headed for the room.

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