Nobody's perfect

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"Get up! We over slept! Hurry Shawn!" I heard someone call and shake me.

"Who's there?" I lazily rubbed my eyes.

"It's me, Ashton. It's almost 10am. Aaron left a note saying he went for breakfast with everyone. Ron called a meeting." She ran around the room, trying to pull on her jeans.

I cursed under my breath and got out of bed, quickly stumbling to the washroom.

"Why didn't anyone wake us?" I brushed my teeth.

"Group chat said that it looked like we had a long night. Jack told everyone to leave us alone." She struggled to put on her bra.

"I'm so sorry Ash-"

Knock knock
"Room service!"

We both looked at each other. I spit and opened the door.

"Here is your meals, I added it to your bill Mr. James." The waiter pushed in the food cart.

"Oh, that's not us." Ashton spoke quietly.

"Room 136?"


The waiter's face turned bright red. "I am so sorry for interrupting. Please forgive me." He grabbed the cart and pulled it out backwards.

Before either could say anything, he was gone. I shut the door.

"Well then." I walked towards my bed.

"Can i wear this today?" Ashton admired herself in the mirror.

"If you want." I shrugged, slipping on a different shirt.

We quickly grabbed our shoes, sent a text to everyone saying I was coming and jumped in the elevator.

"Jane! I'm so sorry. I fell asleep in Shawn's room last night. Still here?" Ashton spoke on the phone.

The door opened to the second floor, she stepped off. "See ya later Shawn."

I waved goodbye and the door closed. I was left in alone for the short ride to the lobby.

Stepping off, I was greeted by the harsh sunlight coming from the hotel's front doors.

"Shawn!" I looked to my left and saw Matt. "Come with me." He started to quickly walk down a hallway and I practically jumped to catch up.

"Found him!" Matt spoke over the noise.

Everyone was sitting at a long table in the middle of the ball room. Along the one wall sat an assortment of breakfast foods.

"Eat!" Someone shoved me towards the table.

I grabbed myself a plate and helped myself to a blueberry muffin, a scoop of fruit salad and a vanilla yogurt.

"How was your night?" Gilinsky came up beside me.

"Long. I talked to my mum for about a half hour then I found Ashton bawling on the roof. Yours?" I continued to look at the food, grabbing a few pieces of bacon.

"Barely slept. She wouldn't answer her phone." Jack helped himself to more food.

"She threw it in the closet. Told me she wanted nothing to do with it last night." I was happy with the amount of food I had so I went to find a seat, leaving Jack at the table.

"Shawn come sit here bud." Matt pulled out a chair between him and Carter. I nodded and set down my plate, quietly sitting and started to munch.

"Everyone here?" Ron asked.

Jack ran over and sat four chairs down across the table from me. I noticed him glaring so I just set my gaze on my breakfast.

"Good. Yesterday went well, for our first show but not perfectly. Next stop is San Fransisco I believe. You'll have to ask Mandy for it." Ron flipped through his papers.

"Nobody's perfect Ron. We did our best. We're not the only ones that are apart of this tour." Cameron spoke.

"Listen Dallas. I don't have to worry about those crazy girls who pay our checks. You guys can't just do what you want yenno?" Ron spat. "I'm not being paid to babysit. You're all old enough to take care of yourselves. Start acting like it or its bye-bye Magcon."

You could tell that everyone was biting their tongues because we all knew that this is an amazing opportunity and would suck if we missed it.

Ron became frustrated with his papers, yelled for Mandy to come finish.

"Now. You have the day in LA. Our flight leaves at 4:30, so we are all meeting at the restaurant across from the airport at 2:00 for a quick lunch and then we're off. Please use the buddy system, and kinda all stay together." Mandy flipped over her paper. "After breakfast, please go up to your rooms where you are to clean up your belongings and the room itself. You can ask Mandy." She let out a laugh. "Me sorry, to check your rooms. Then you're welcome to a luggage cart to place your bags on and then you may leave. They'll be put into a van and taken to the bus. Please leave your carry-ons on a separate cart, and those will be left in my vehicle to be brought to the airport." She looked at all of us to make sure we're paying attention. "There is a mall just down the street. It has many stores, yat-yat. I'm sure you guys get it."

"So now we go clean up?" Mahogany asked.

"Yes please. Grab two carts and set them outside of someone's room. I'll label them once I get up there." Mandy flipped through her papers one last time to check if she was missing anything. "You're all free to go."

I cleaned up my garbage and got up, pushing in my chair. I walked over to a trash can and noticed everyone leaving the room. "Hey wait up!" I called.

"Ashton right?" Mandy stopped me.

"What? That's girl. Yeah. Ashton." I stopped walking.

"Please have her find me, I have her boarding pass." She smiled.

I copied her smile. "Really? She's coming with us?!"

"Yes Shawn." She laughed. "But Ron doesn't know she's Jack's girlfriend. I told him that she is helping me for a school related activity."

"Your secret is safe with me. I'll go find her." Mandy patted my back before I ran off to catch up with everyone.

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