Hanna Carpenter

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I ran out of the room and went on to the roof.

I've got three names? Hanna is pretty, but I still like Ashton. What if I still was a Carpenter? Would my life be totally different? I'd never met Jack, prob never started doing drugs and hopefully my mother wouldn't have died.

I sat on the edge and cried. I didn't care if people were looking at me, I just needed to let it out.

I heard someone groan as they crawled through the window.

"Go away Jane. I don't wanna hear it. I'm adopted." I didn't look up.

I heard a lighter and smelt smoke. Like a cigaret, not a joint.

"Wanna puff?" Jack's deep voice asked.

I looked up at him. I never smoked a normal cigaret. But why not. I took it from his hand and places it to my lips, inhaling.

"Tastes a lot different from what we normal have eh?" He sat beside me.

I passed it back. "Bitter."

He chuckled. "There's never a dull moment with you Ashton. You always amaze me, one way or another."

"Hanna." I sighed. "I don't look like a Hanna. I look like an Ashton, or at least a Ashley right. " I nervously bit my lip.

"You look like my girlfriend, whatever your name is." Jack wasn't always the best with words, but I understood him.

"If I wasn't adopted, I'd never met you." I stated.

"True." Jack took a drag off his smoke and passed it to me.

"But you also wouldn't have these dirty habits." He exhaled.

I let all the smoke out of me. "Maybe I'd be straight."

We both laughed at my words. I liked being bisexual because my boyfriend didn't care about my girlfriend because he could have a threesome if he wanted.

"Being straight isn't that fun. You'll find a girl someday. I did. And that is if you plan on leaving me." Jack smiled at me.

"I wanna know more about 'Hanna Carpenter's' life. My parents, do I have any siblings, all that stuff." I looked out at the park.

"Find them. Go down to the orphanage. You've lived here in Omaha all you life right?" Jack asked.

"That I've remembered, yeah." It was beautiful outside and all the green trees and pink, yellow and purple flowers made it even better.

"Can I still call ya Ashton? Or is it Hanna now?" Jack broke me out of my little trance.

"Ashton. It always will be." I stood up.

"Where you going?" Jack laughed.

"To find my parents." I climbed back into the house.

"Ash, I had no idea. Im sorry." Jane gave me a tight hug.

"Jane. It's cool. I'm going to find out who these people are so I can meet them." I wiggled out of her grasp and went into the bathroom to shower.

{skips shower}

I walked into my room and opened the closet. Everything of my wasn't "fancy" or dressy enough to wear. I checked Jane's closet. Still nothing.

"Sandy." I ran into her room and went straight for the clothes.

I picked out a teal short sleeved shirt, a black cardigan, and blue jeans.

"Wear these babe." Jack lifted up a teal bra and black panties. They kinda matched.

"Thanks Jack." I sat on the bed and put the bra on.

"Take off the towel." Jack said from behind me.

I pulled up the underwear and dropped the towel.

"You're a sexy 16 year old." Jack winked.

I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I dried my hair and left it curly.

"Are you wearing make up?" Jane opened the door.

"I was thinking about it. But I don't want to do it dark. Help?" I asked my sister.

Jane gladly did my make up, carefully making sure she didn't over do it. It looked really good.

"Thanks Jane, well guys. I'm off to find my birth parents!" I squealed and hugged Marianna.

"Your coming back right?" Her eyes looked glossy. I didn't want her to cry. She handed me all the documents I'll need.

"Of course. They may be my birth family, but this is my true family." I assured her.

Everyone waved as Jack and I drove to the adoption agency.

"Relax babe. We're just finding out if they live in Omaha area. You aren't meeting them." Jack chuckled.

"I never thought I was adopted. Jane and I look so much a like. Maybe my mum looks like both of us. Maybe my dad kept us with the lady I call mum?" I started getting nervous, even though Jack was right.

"I'll be with you every step of the way. Thick and thin Ashton." Jack told me and I relaxed a bit.

"It's up here." I pointed at the building with HOME FOR ORPHANS AND THE HOMELESS. Jack pulled the car over and found a parking spot.

"Let's do this." We both got out and went inside.

{This story is everywhere and doesn't really have structure. I'm literally making up this as I go. I'll make it move quicker, bare with me please}

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