Chapter 3. What's Left Of Me

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            "Why are you pacing?" Angel asked. He didn't look up from his paperwork as he spoke.

I was in his study, pacing back and forth in front of his desk. I had my arms crossed over my chest. "Gee, Angel, I'm not sure. Maybe, it has something to do with the fact that I've been here a week!" I shouted and threw my arms in the air. I placed them on my waist as I glowered down at him.

"What reason do you have to leave?" Angel challenged. He placed his pen down and looked up at me. He intertwined his fingers and placed his hands on the top of his head.

"I'd like my friends to see that I'm okay," I started.

"You just got off the phone with that one girl like an hour ago," he muttered. "She knows you're fine."

"I have school!" I growled. "I've been getting excellent grades for a year now. I'm in law school!"

"Oh good, I could use a new lawyer. One of them quit on me," he said sarcastically.

"Oh my god, could you like stop being a dickhead for five minutes?"

He slammed his hands down on his desk and stood up. He towered over me, and it was intimidating. "Five minutes? I gave you much more than five minutes of me not being a dick, Mia! I'm losing my fucking patience with you!" Angel spat.

He came around the desk and stood in front of me. "Your father called me and told me the three of you were in trouble, while I was in the middle of an important meeting. I dropped everything, got in one of my helicopters, and flew to Goleta to save the three of you. And for what? I mean, it's not like I didn't warn all of you what could happen. I told your father and you that I couldn't protect you there, but you left anyway. Didn't you?!"

I couldn't answer him. I couldn't find my voice. I had never seen this side of Angel. It was terrifying. I swallowed hard.

"Then I reach your parents' house, and there is blood all over the damn place. They were in pieces, Mia. They died in the most brutal fucking way. I've never seen something so inhumane. I was scared that they already got you, but I came looking for you. I find you, and you couldn't step aside for two minutes to just ask me why I came for you? All because of your precious boyfriend? Didn't want him to know about your past life?!" Angel shouted. "Did you really think I came all that way for nothing?!" Angel took a deep breath before continuing.

"You think this is some kind of fucking game? If you leave, they will find you, and you will die. Is that what you want? It's not if they find you, Mia, it is when they find you! When they find you, you will be in a box along with your mom and dad. You can't hide from them," he roared.

I flinched and looked away from him.

Angel's anger was flowing freely. He didn't give me a chance to speak even if I could have. "Stop being so fucking ridiculous, Mia. I'm trying to save you, but please, if you want to die, then leave. I don't owe you anything. So big fucking deal, I told you one lie. I never lied about anything else, you knew me better than anyone. I was always so closed off to other people apart from a few, and you were one of the few."

His nose was just an inch from mine. "I saved your fucking parents once already, who hated me, by the way. The reason they were in that position is because your dad was set on proving to you that I wasn't worthy of you. Then when he realized I wasn't half as bad as the mafia, he gave me his blessing to date you, but it was too late. That fucking car you were driving around, guess who paid for it? It sure as fuck wasn't your dad!"

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