Chapter 6. Forgiven

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We pulled up to the southside warehouse, which had to be rebuilt after an explosion that involved my parents. My mom got a lot of shit for being a Latin King leader because she was a woman. It was dumb if you asked me, my mom was a badass. I jumped out of the van, walked to the door, and unlocked it.

Jesse and I went to the back in a secret hiding spot and pulled the guns out. When we got outside with the artillery, a black Cadillac Escalade rolled up. The dust from the gravel rose in the air, causing Jesse and me to take a step back. They got out of the vehicle and strolled toward us.

My eyes widened when I noticed them raise their guns. I hadn't noticed it right away through the cloud of dust and the dark.

"Run!" I growled.

Jesse and I dashed around the side of the building as shots were fired. I leaned up against the side of the building and peeked around the corner. One of the Russians saw me and shot again. The bullet hit me in the side.

"Mother fucker!" I hissed in pain. I jumped out from behind the building. Anger bubbled up inside of me.

I fired shots in their direction. I watched as one of them dropped. The others fired back at me as they grabbed the guns and took off running. I took another shot and dropped another guy.

The men threw the firearms into the Escalade and peeled out. I followed after them and fired more shots. One of the bullets hit the back glass and shattered it.

"Fuck!" I roared.

Jesse reached me, and he was out of breath. "Damn, bro, are you crazy? They could have killed you. Your mom and dad always told us if we get shot at to run and keep running. But oh no, not mister tough guy. Do you got something to prove?"

"Are you kidding? I don't care about that, man! I just lost a shit load of guns!" I shouted.

"You were shot, Angel!" Jesse pointed at the blood seeping through my shirt. "You need a hospital," he said in a calmer voice.

"No, I don't. I can take care of this shit myself. One day I'm going to have to deal with it on my own anyway."

"Great, are you going to pull that bullet out? Because I can't, I'd probably kill you trying."

"I'll figure something out," I muttered. "Come on, we have to get rid of those two," I said. I pointed at the two Russians that I killed.


I tried to get the bullet out, but I couldn't see it, and it hurt like hell to bend over to see it. At first, I almost gave into Jesse's suggestion on going to the hospital. However, a new idea came to light. Jesse offered to drive me, but I had to deal with this alone. It was about eleven o'clock.

The house was small compared to mine, but it was at least three stories. I knew where Mia lived, but I hadn't actually seen her house. I always dropped her off a block over.

The house was a teal color, and there was a garden of flowers wrapped around the wrap around porch. There was a strong scent. The closer I got, it smelt like Lilacs.

"How Brady bunch," I chuckled.

I had put a bandage over the wound and a new shirt on. I didn't want to show up at Mia's house looking like I was from a horror film. The shirt I had been wearing earlier was blood-stained so bad that I threw it in the trash.

After I knocked on the door a couple of times, I could hear her footsteps. I had Jesse call Emily to make sure Mia's parents were gone.

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