Chapter 1. Moving On

Start from the beginning

"You lied to him," she said. "You studied for that test already."

"Ugh! Fine, I lied!" I shouted. "I might go, okay? I don't know."

"I think you should go. All he did was invite you to a party, Mia. He didn't ask you for your undying love and affection," Cecilia muttered.

"Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

"Okay," I nodded.

Cecilia was my roommate at the dorms. When we got back, we ate and got ready for bed. I needed to find a new restaurant. I was tired of microwaved hot pockets and pizza rolls.

When Cecilia and I finished eating, we turned the television on to watch Pretty Little Liars.

Cecilia and I had a lot in common. We liked the same TV shows, food, drinks, and music. Cecilia grew on me quickly, but I hated getting close to people. It seemed like when you got close to someone; you lost them.

"Will you tell me about him?" Cecilia asked.

My gaze met hers. "I-I don't like talking about it. It hurts. I try hard not to think about him," I murmured.

"He really did a number on you, huh?" Her voice was full of concern. "Did he hurt you?"

"Not physically," I muttered.

She sighed.

Maybe, I need to talk about it. I looked at Cecilia briefly. I didn't even know if I could choke out his name. Even if I did tell her, I couldn't give her details about the Latin Kings. I promised him that I would never tell anyone, and I haven't.

"His name is Angel Garcia," I murmured. My chest tightened as I said his name. It felt like my heart would physically burst.

Cecilia looked at me worriedly.

Tears built in my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. "We were together on and off for almost a year. I confronted him about something, and he denied it. He lied to me, and I told him if I ever found out he was lying that we were over," I said. "One night, he came clean about it, and I just felt so betrayed. I felt like I didn't even know him at all. It seemed like he tricked me. He chose not to tell me so he wouldn't lose me. It was like all the time we spent together meant nothing to him. It was the best year of my life, and he destroyed it in seconds."

She looked at me sadly. "What was it he lied about?"

"It was something big, that is all I can say," I murmured. "It was sort of a secret, and it isn't my secret to share. I promised Angel I would never speak of it."

"Why keep a promise to him when he lied to you, though?"

"It's a big secret. Like, life-changing, I can't say anymore." Angel swore me to secrecy. He said if I spoke of it, he would silence me. I'm not really sure he would, but I don't want to find out.

She shrugged, but I could see the curiosity in her eyes. "Did Angel apologize for lying?"

"Yes, but I feel like he would have kept it from me forever if he knew he could get away with it. So, what else would he be willing to hide from me? I just can't trust him," I said.

My phone started to ring. I stood up off Cecilia's bed and grabbed my phone from my end table.

"Hello?" I answered.

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