chapter 22

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*7 months later*


"Jillian Reese." I giggle as she crawls into the cabinets. She laughs as I pick her up and put her in her high chair.

It's funny how almost 8 months ago my life was a complete mess. Shawn was in critical condition, Emery was depressed and my baby was born early. Now, Shawn is pretty much back to normal except for some therapy and Emery has been going to therapy as well just in case something like this would happen again. Jillian is a completely happy baby who was off her oxygen 2 months early.

"Mommy can I help feed Jilly?" Blaire asks as she climbs on a chair. Blaire is a really good older sister. She loves to be mommies helper. Infact, Blaire's 4th birthday is in a week and Cameron and I get married in 6 months. It's crazy how time flys.

"Sure baby. What flavor should we do?" I ask looking at some of the flavors of baby food in the pantry.

"Do a good one, nothing yucky!" Blaire shakes her head and sticks her tongue out.

I laugh and I grab a fruit flavored food and put a spoon in the jar. I hand it to Blaire and she pushes her chair over to the overjoyed, Jilly.

I watch cautiously as Blaire slowly gives Jillian the food. It obviously turns into a mess but it's absolutely adorable watching them bond. After lunch both girls go down for a nap and I get alone time. Cameron went back to work 3 months ago and you think I would be used to it, wrong. I dread not having Cameron, especially on weekends. There is absolutely nothing to do when you have 2 small kids.

I decide to call Cam because he is usually on break by now.


J- hey.
C- What's wrong?
J- I miss youuu.
C- I'll try to get home early, I know you get bored easily, haha.
J- Extremely bored.
C- You sound like Blaire.
J- Very funny.
C- Ok fine I'll be home in an hour, can you handle that?
J- Barely.
C- Fine I'll try to get home in 45 minutes.
J- Please I've been watching TV for the past hour and it's boring.
C- Your entertainment will arrive soon.
J- My hero.
C- Love you.
J- I love you more.


I put my phone down and waited for Cameron to come home. I wait for about 30 minutes until I hear a car pull into the driveway. I looked out the window like a dog and saw it was Cameron. Finally.

"Hey Jess." Cam laughs as he opens the door and sees me standing right in front of him.

"Can you just stay home with me all day?" I ask as I kiss his lips.

"I wish, but how else will we make the bacon." Cam says taking his vans off and I stare at him confused.


"You have never heard that expression?" Cameron laughs.

I just shrug and Cameron picks me up and walks towards the couch. "Cam don't you dare." I squeal as he throws me on the couch. I laugh and he sits next to me as I situate myself. We talk about our days then the baby monitor goes off.

"I got it, I know you had a busy day." Cameron says jokingly rolling his eyes and he runs upstairs.


I make my way towards the crying and realize it wasn't Jillian ( who I assumed it was ) it was Blaire. I walked into the room and saw Blaire hiding under her covers crying.

"Blaire?" I sit on her bed and pull the covers off of her.

She sits up and hugs my arm as she cries. "Daddy there is a monster under my bed."

"Blaire you don't have to cry, there is no monster I promise." I say picking her up. She grabs my T-shirt and holds its tightly as I kneel down to the bottom of her bed.

"Look baby nothing is there." I assure her looking under her bed. She follows my lead and looks at me confused and wipes away her tears. I laugh.

"But daddy I heard a monster." Blaire keeps searching under her bed just to make sure and I stand up. She also stands up and holds her arms out, telling me to pick her up. I do so and walk down stairs.

"You hungry?" Jessa asks from the kitchen, which she had moved to.

"I could eat." I say and I put Blaire down by her toys then I go back upstairs into Jillian's room to find her waking up. I love having a baby in the house. It's just so precious to know that she is mine and I get the privilege to watch her grow up.
She yawns and opens her eyes.

"Hi Jilly." I say whispering. I see her smile and I pick her up slowly to bring her downstairs to Blaire who I bet wanted to see her sister. I walked downstairs and placed Jillian in her bouncy chair next to Blaire's toys.

"Sissy do you want to play with my animals?" Blaire asks handing Jillian a stuffed animal. Jilly takes it and chews on the ear. I laugh as Blaire corrects her and shows her how to use the stuffed animal which Jillian obviously doesn't understand.

It so funny that 8 months ago everything was different. I couldn't laugh. I could only cry. My kid ( notice it's singular ) was confused and scared as well as my niece and nephew. I had to take care of so many people it was almost impossible. Some how everything was ok and that's good. Things changed but change is good, really good.

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