chapter 18✥

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I continue down the road, slowly. Eventually I was able to see the accident and it was terrible. The car got hit by a cargo truck and actually lit on fire. The whole drivers side was completely destroyed. It was devastating. Sirens went off and off. It was one of the scariest things ever.

Finally, I made it home.

"Finally!" I say opening the doors and putting the bags on the counter.

"There you are!" Cameron says greeting me with a hug. "Must've been some accident."

"Ugh it was." I moan as I lay on the couch. "Its probably on the news."

The TV spoke. "Breaking News! Car crush in LA is evening. The cargo truck hit right on the drivers seat of the vehicle and practically killed the passenger. Doctors say the victim, Shawn Mendes, an aspiring young singer, is in critical conditions and has slim chance of survival. Shawn is in a coma at this point, but there is no telling how he will wake up or if he will wake up. Best wishes to Shawn and his family."

This can't be right. Cameron runs over to me and holds me tight. "Come with me." he yells, but everything is blurry. Cam carries me into the car and buckles me in. He runs back inside and quickly rushes out holding a small child that I can't seem to make out. He puts the young girl in the back then gets into his seat and drives. Then everything turns dark.
*5 hours later*


Blaire and I wait in the waiting room, impatiently. Jessa passed out, no big deal, but she is pregnant, so yes, big deal. The baby could be hurt or Jessa could be more hurt.

"Will mommy be ok?" Blaire says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I hope so. I hope your sister is ok too." I sigh as I check my phone to see multiple text messages from Emery. I read all of them and they are about her not being able to breath and having feelings of wanting to die.

"Blaire we have to pick up aunt Em." I say picking her up and telling the nurse where we are going and why.

We go in the car and everything is silent. Usually the music would be blasting or a conversation would be in action, nope. I was scared, sad, angry, lost, but I couldn't show it. I needed to stay strong for Blaire, Emery, Lola and Logan. I needed to stay strong for Jessa and Shawn.

We arrived at the house. I grabbed Blaire then I walked in. Oh my gosh. Emery was lying on the floor crying. I never seen anyone this way before. And it was even worse because Lola and Logan were next to her, panicked.

"Lola grab Blaire and Logan's hand and walk them out to the car. I'll grab your mom." I say wanting to cry, but I knew I couldn't. She nodded as her eyes watered.

I grabbed Emery and she was frantically crying. "Em it's ok. I got you." I say carrying her to the passenger seat. The kids were in there seats and Lola started to cry. I tried to ignore it so I wouldn't cry and drove back to the hospital.
We got back to the hospital and I carried Emery in. The kids followed behind.

"Please help her. I found her in her house on her floor, barely breathing with a knife in her hand. She needs medical attention." I say to a passing doctor who nods and puts her on a stretcher. He wheels her away.

"Mommy no!!" Lola calls crying. I pick her up.

"Lola she will be ok, I promise." i say as the 4 of us sit down. Blaire and Logan didn't have a clue what was really happening, but Lola was older and could get an idea that her dad could be dead and her mom is being pushed into a hospital room. She might think both her parents are gone.

We wait for an hour or so and the nurse that was taking care of Jessa came out.

"Hi Cameron." she started and I nodded. "Jessa just woke up. She is hooked to oxygen and is having trouble processing everything that is happening."

"That's good that she is awake. How is the baby?" I ask standing up.

"The baby is surprising completely fine. You two are very lucky." she says smiling slightly.

"Do you know what hospital Shawn is in?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yes. He was here but his conditions were so critical so he got air lifted to a hospital in Washington." she explained. That's really far away.

"Can you please check in on Emery Mendes? She is Shawn's wife and she wasn't breathing last time I had her." I practically beg. She nods and walks off.

I sit in silence. I stay sitting silent until I notice the kids fell asleep. I fall asleep too. This is the hardest thing I ever had to go through. Maybe even harder than my horrible childhood. I'm so sad. I cry myself to sleep, I had too.

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