chapter 11✥

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I decide to join Jessa down at the beach. I walk down holding a bag with lunch. Blaire and Jessa notice me as I approach the water where they are playing. I put the bag on the towel Jessa set up and walk down to the ocean where Blaire greats me with a hug.

"Daddy play with me!" she says and I couldn't resist. I take off my t shirt and hand it to Jessa who kisses my cheek and walks back to the towel. I hold Blaire tightly as we get deeper in the water. The waves are small but just enough fun for my beautiful daughter.

I smile at her as she smiles back and holds me tighter. She yells, "Mommy come!" and Jessa takes off her T-shirt joining us in the water. We stay in the clear, warm water for a long time. After that, we sit and eat the snacks I brought them head back up to get changed for tonight. As much as I was excited, nerves caught me and I couldn't think straight. This was for the one person I wanted more than ever. For our daughter. I sigh as I lock the bathroom door and take the ring out. I admire the amazing detail that will be seen on Jessa's finger. I smile and put it in my pocket.

I wear a plain white t shirt and kaki shorts. I do my hair and walk out. "I love that outfit on you babe." Jessa smiles and I smile back at her beauty.

She is wearing a blue sun dress and her hair is down and wavy with a waterfall braid. She would look amazing in a paper bag.

"Daddy do you like my outfit?" Blaire asks twirling. She is wearing a pink sun dress and her hair is down naturally straight.

"You look beautiful baby." I say picking her up and kissing her cheek. She smiles as we walk outside and sit down at a picnic table on the beach. The sun is starting to set and I realize, soon I will pop the question.

The beach played music out of speakers since more people decided to eat there. We are some of our dinner but before we could finish, One Directions 18 played and it reminded me of when we first met.
•I have loved you since we were 18•

I stood up and brushed my shirt. The sky was a light pink and it reflected off of Jessa perfectly. "Jess, can I ask you something?" I asked as I grabbed her hand. She nodded and stood up. Our hands connected.

"I remember the day I first met you. You were the most beautiful girl I ever saw and it was so difficult to tell fans that they were pretty because I always knew I wanted to save the special one for you. Your gorgeous outside and inside. You are the best mother and the best girlfriend. You can make me smile and make me laugh." I smile and I can see tears fill her eyes. "Jessa I don't want to live in a place without you. I can't picture doing anything without you" Blaire walks over and I grabbed her hand. "and our beautiful daughter. Jessa Mendes," I got on one knee and she covered her mouth with her hands as tears fell from her eyes. "Will you marry me?" I looked at her passionately revealing the ring from the box.

"Yes Cameron. 1000x yes!" She said hugging me and I could feel her tears go through my shirt. I wiped them away and we kissed. I saw Blaire below us and I picked her up. And Jessa kissed her and stroked her hair. This was the best day of my life.


I am the happiest person alive and still trying to believe if this is real. I dry the tears with the back of my hand and sit down. Cam and Blaire both sit too.

"Blaire." I say and motion her towards me. She sits next to me and I whisper in her ear. "Tell daddy that mommy is having a baby." Blaire gasps and smiles bigger than I ever saw. I look at Cameron and he grabs my hand.

"Guess what daddy!?" Blaire says getting up and jumping up and down.

"What baby girl?" He says smiling.

"Mommy is having a baby!" She shouts and the table next to us smiles at our small family.

Cameron smiles big and holds me tight. "I can't wait." he whispers he my ear and rubs my back. I feel like tonight was a fairytale. Tonight was the best night and nothing will ever change that.

Cameron Dallas, Blaire Dallas, and now, Jessa Dallas.

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