chapter 13✥

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---4 months later---

"Jess ready to go?" I say grabbing my jacket for it is mid February.

"Yeah give me a second. Can you help Blaire with her coat?" Jessa says from the end of the hall.

"Blaire come here so I can zip your jacket honey." I say standing by the coat rack. Blaire rushes in.

"Are you ready to see you baby brother or sister in mommy's belly?" I say zipping her coat.

"Yes!! I want to be an older sister now daddy." she says with a big smile on her face. I laugh and twirl her around.

Today we are going to the doctor so Jessa can get her 5 month ultrasound. Blaire has never been to one and this is the one where we can find out the gender.

"I'm ready." Jessa says grabbing her purse and grabbing Blaire's hand. We get into the car and drive off to the doctor.

"Hi Doctor Taylor." Jessa says walking down the hallway next to the doctor as me and Blaire follow behind.

"When does the baby come?" Blaire asks.

"In a couple of months." I say laughing.

"When will we know if I will be a big sister to a baby boy or girl?" She asks.

"Maybe today."

I am really curious to find out because it's one of the biggest things. Personally I don't care if it's a boy or girl because both would be fantastic. As long as the baby is healthy I will be happy.

"So all you guys have to do it look at the screen and I will show you all the features of the baby." the doctor explains and Blaire looks at him amazed by this.

"Ok so this is what your baby looks like." He explains all the features and it amazes me so much. I created that, it's incredible.

After a while he asks, "Would you two like to know the gender?"

I look at Jessa and she nods. "Can you write it down and we can look at it with my brother?" Jessa asks as Dr. Taylor looks at the screen, he immediately writes down the gender and folds it up.

"Here you go." he says handing it to me then rubbing the gel off of Jessa's stomach.

"Thank you." both Jessa and I say shaking his hand. "We'll see you in 2 months."

"Mommy can I look at it?" Blaire asks moving in her car seat.

"Later you will find out." Jessa says smiling, excited that Blaire is happy to become a big sister.

"When the baby is born can I hold it?" Blaire asks grabbing her baby doll out of the bag of her toys.

"Of course you can princess." Jessa says as her eyes water a little bit. I smile at her.

"Cameron do you what to find out now?" Jessa asks laughing.

"I thought you wanted to do it with Shawn." I say, even though I really wanted to find out.

"I did, but I think it would be more special with just the 3 of us." Jessa says rubbing her small baby bump.

"Open it mommy!" Blaire yells which causes Jess to unfold it slightly.

"The other baby Dallas will be a..."

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