chapter 19✥

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I wake up and look at my phone, it's 2:00 A.M. I look up close hotels and find one just 5 minutes away. Logan wakes up slowly and stares at me confused.

"We're in the hospital bud." I reassure him and he yawns.

"Everyone tired." he says pointing at both Lola and Blaire sleeping. I smile and stand up.

I pick up the two sleeping kids and Logan grabs onto the bottom of my jacket. I let the nurse know we are going to a hotel and she says she would let me know if anything happens.

I load everyone into the car then i get in and drive to the hotel. "Hi." I say to the tired looking woman at the front desk. "Can I have a room with 2 double beds?" I say in a tired voice getting out my credit card.

"You seem like you have been through a lot." she says looking at me and the kids.

"How could you tell?" I say slightly smiling.

"It's on me. You can stay the night for free." she says handing me the key.

"Thank you so much. I really needed this." I say completely smiling, but tears of sadness sting my eyes.

I walk to the elevator and go to the floor our room is on. I unlock our room and Logan gets into one of the two beds. I place Lola in the bed with Logan then put Blaire in the other bed. I get into the bed with Blaire and sigh.

Everyone is sound asleep, except me. I know what is happening. I get everything. I know every detail of this mess. It sucks so bad.

I wake up pretty early because, well I have very mixed feelings in my head. I turn on my phone and notice I have a notification, from the nurse. The message was sent at 4:30 in the morning. I check the time, 5:23 AM.

-Jessa is having severe contractions. If they don't stop soon, Jessa will go through preeclampsia. That means the baby will be pre-mature. I don't want you to worry because we AHVE had patients before that have gone through similar situations. I'll call/ text you if anything else happens.

I stare in shock begin to worry, worry a lot. First of all, Jessa is in so much shock and pain, our baby could be born early, I have no idea what condition Emery is in, Shawn could be dead, I have 3 kids to take care of for who knows how long. I'm so stressed and tired of everything. Christmas is in a week and let's just say no matter what happens, it's going to be a really bad one.

I wake up the kids slowly so I can see Jess and be with her. The kids wake up with energy, considering they had been sleeping on and off all last evening. We all go downstairs to the lobby and again, thank the woman for paying for our room.

We make it to the hospital in just a few minutes. I walk in and Jessa's nurse is frantically scrambling around to find something or someone.

"Cameron!" She shouts running over to me. "I'm so glad your here, Jessa is going to have the baby. Maybe not today, but soon and she needs you."

Another nurse takes the kids hands as I stand with my mouth wide open and my eyes start to fill with water.

And here we go again...

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