chapter 20

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The nurse leads me into the room with Jessa. I hadn't seen her in a while.

"Hi babe." my voice cracks a little as I talk. I see her smile slightly, but I can tell she is in a lot of pain.

"Cameron." she whispers as I approach her. I kneel down, grab her hand and nod.

"Our life is changing. Our life won't be the same after today, because this baby is coming. I know it's 2 months early, but children have been able to live 4 months early." she says squeezing my hand.

"Babe I know but some children have been born 4 days early and didn't survive. I don't want our baby to die." my voice trails of as I talk. The thought of my own daughter to die so young would break me.

"Cam that won't happen. We are strong, we can get through it. Plus I'm in so much pain." she says laughing a bit then holding her stomach.

"Are you sure?" I ask making sure she is confident.

"Yes, and now!" She says as she screams a little bit. "Cameron get the doctor! My water broke!"

I quickly got up and left the room. Jessa was extremely worried at this point because now she knew what was happening.

At the speed of light, I rushed down the hallway and found the doctor. She looked at me as I caught my breath then her face turned pale as she ran and I followed behind.

"AHH!" Jessa screamed as multiple doctors rushed into her room. The doctors set her up and told her to go. I stood by her side and she squeezed my hand to the point where I thought it would fall off. A nurse was on top of her, to help guide the baby out. They didn't want the baby in there longer than it needed to be because she was already going to be sick.

"Push momma push!" The nurse delivering the baby exclaimed as Jessa screamed in fear.

Finally, 16 minutes later, our child was born 1 month and 23 days early. We weren't able to see our daughter right away, she was immediately rushed away. I looked at Jessa and she was balling. I hugged her and she watched the doctors rush our child away.

"Don't take her away!" Jessa yelled through her tears.

"Jess it's ok, everything is ok." I said and she shook her head.

"I'm scared."

"So I am." I sighed and rubbed her back, that really just happened.

A few moments later the doctor came in and motioned me toward her. It didn't look good.

"How is she?" I ask as we walk into the hall.

"She is doing amazing, better than most babies born at this time." she smiled slightly.

"So what's the bad news..?" I ask impatiently.

"It's not about the baby, it's about Emery." she says putting her hand on my shoulder. That's never good.

"Emery is..." she started

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