chapter 9✥

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At this point all I can do is stand in pure shock. I sit back down and my jaw drops. What just happened?

"Cameron lets go back to the room." Jessa says grabbing my hand. Blaire follows behind.

"Jessa, I lost my son." I say staring straight ahead as Jessa guides me into the elevator.

"Baby no you didn't. You still are his father. If she won't allow you to take him then you need to take it to court." she says as we walk into the room. I lay on the bed.

"But Jess I can't take this to far. Court would just stress me out even more. I can't do this anymore. I wish we never came here. I liked it when it was just Cameron, Jessa and Blaire. Now it's Cameron, Jessa, Blaire, Wayne and Sophia. I don't want anything else more than just us three right now." I say rolling over on my stomach. My face sinks into my pillow.


He just wants the three of us? Well now how am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant. I can't hide this anymore. I have to tell him now, but he's in a bad mood. Maybe tonight over dinner. Yeah that should work.

"Hey Cameron you know how we were going to go to dinner with the boys tonight?" I ask sitting on the edge of the bed playing with his hair.

"Yeah." he mumbles.

"Well I don't want to do that anymore. I want to go somewhere a little more fancy and make it a triple date. Just the family." I say as Blaire jumps on the bed.

Cameron turns around and pulls Blaire over to his lap. She is his rock. I swear if Cameron didn't have her he would be really lost I think. Blaire can always crack a smile on his face. I love the ship name Cams fans give them, #Claire.

"That works." he says moving outside to the balcony to watch the waves crash. "Or we could go on the beach instead?"

"You have the best ideas babe." I laugh and sit next to him.

"Jessa I'm sorry that this vacation hasn't been the best for you." Cam says looking into my eyes.

"Cameron don't be sorry. We still have plenty of time to make up for it. I love you very much. You are such a great boyfriend." I kiss him.


I feel a lot better now knowing that tonight, Jessa won't be my girlfriend anymore. She will hopefully be my fiancé. I have been planning this for a while and I feel like tonight would be perfect. I feel like Jessa has been through a lot today so maybe a proposal will make up for it.

"I'm going to go hang out with Dillon." I say getting up.

"Ok, I'll come with you. I want to see if Lily and her kids want to go to the beach to play." Jessa says grabbing Blaire and following behind.

We walk to the Rupps room and knock on the door. Lily great fully opens and allows us in.

"Hey!" I say as Dillon walks over and gives me a bro hug. "Its been almost 4 years since I last saw you."

"I know dude!" Dillon says and we walk on on the balcony.


"Lil's!!" I squeal and hug her. "Ohh I missed you so terribly much!"

"Same! It's so good to see you!" she says pulling out of the hug. We go sit on the couch and I can see a small boy and girl running around. I smile when Blaire joins in.

"Aw your kids." I say looking into Lily's eyes.

"Thank you." she says smiling. "That's Erin, she is super laid back and goes with the flow." Lily explains. "That's Austin, he is absolutely a maniac." she laughs. "I get no free time because of him, but he is amazing and I love him."

"They are so cute! And um speaking of kids." I look over at her biting my lip.

"No way Jess. Your pregnant?" She asks standing up. I nod.

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