"Do I look like a Bob to you?" He says remaining his piercing gaze but says with an amused tone.

"Aaaahhhh well you do work in Bob's Hardware so it was just a lucky guess, sorry, is Bob here at all?" I reply really nervous, because now he is looking at me this whole socialising thing becomes real and because he is attractive and looks very intimidating and is kinda sassy not gonna lie, I'm scarreeedddd.

"So you just assume that all employees that work here are named Bob?" he says chuckling slightly and the corners of his mouth turning up. 

"That would be a good company policy, good branding" I reply, stunned that I responded without a stutter, but definitely not intending to say that out loud. 

An amused smirk comes across his face and he says "You are right angel".

Hmmmmm, run that by me again sir. Whattt did this man just call me? Angel! Deciding to ignore confrontation I just say "So is Bob here at all? I have-"

Silver eyes cuts me off and says "He is out at the moment running some errands, what can I do for you angel?"

Well if you let me finish then maybe I could have told you, bloody hell I hate it when people cut me off, it's not like I speak slowly. Oh yeah and I'm just going to ignore the fact he called me angel and butterflies started a mini circus in my stomach. 

"Oh well I have some books for him" He gives me a puzzled look before I then realise that I have to add where I work so I'm not just some crazy lady handing out books to strangers. "I work next store... the books are from next store. Believe he had an order?" 10/10 sentence structure and conversation skills, oof this man must just be swooning over my eloquence. 

He smirks, jesus this boy smirks a lot. He chuckles slighty, dang that is sexy. "You can leave them with me angel."

Oh shit, do I leave these books with mystery man? What if he steals them and then I get fired because I left books with a random man? His name is not even Bob, how do I know he even legitimately works here? 

Possibly sensing my inner dialogue he says "Or you can wait til he comes back? Wouldn't want those books to go missing would we?"

Jumping at his ability to read my mind, I grab the books off the counter and I decide to wait and nod saying "Yes thank you." He nods in response. Ok what now. Me, silver eyes and an empty hardware store. 

Deciding I do not wish to feign interest in a conversation or put on my 'big girl pants' to think of conversation and talk to someone as intimidating as silver eyes I suddenly find the ropes on the other side of the shop very interesting. As I turn to walk towards them I still feel silver eyes' intense stare, burning a hole into the back of my skull. 

Touching the ropes, his deep voice suddenly brings me out of my trance of 'ignore ignore ignore'. "Anything in particular you are looking for there angel" He says walking towards me, oh great the whole point of me walking over here was to um get away from you.

Before I can respond he says "Oh the ropes, any particular activity you require these ropes for? I can suggest some perfect for tying knots..." he leans down to my face and says "...whilst not being too scratchy" he says lowly grazing his hand with my wrists. 

Gulping I just say "Oh no...no...noo... no, not particularly just looking, never know when you might need some rope" I stutter in response

"You never know." He replies with a devilish smirk, standing back up to his towering frame.

Do I have to buy rope now? No it's fine, well. No Aubery you do not need to buy rope from this man just to get out of this weird staring contest. Biting my lip I was about to say something before a small growl escaped him, which caused me to slightly jump back as the DING in the store went off. 

"Son, I'm back!- Oh I see you are with a customer, hello there hopefully my son is helping, he can be so useless sometimes" The man says walking over and then playfully banging silver eye's head with the last part. 

Yikes I don't think it was received playfully by silver eye's as he responds "Ang- she has your book order Bob". Silver eye's gritts out. Bob then turns to face me and replies "Oh you work next store do you love?" From the corner of my eyes I could see silver eyes clench his jaw at the last remark. This feels tense.

"Yeah I just have-" I say before he cuts me off. Huh what is it with these men and cutting me off. 

"Haven't seen you in there before love, how long you been working there, in fact I haven't seen you round town at all before" He asks.

"Well actually I just moved here and today is my first shift at the book store" I reply, silver eyes not breaking his intense gaze on me. Hmm kinda creepy there sir. 

"Thought I would have remembered a beauty like you before" Bob says as a low growl escapes silver eyes. Ha this is tense, I wish to leave like yesterday. "I'm Bob and this is my son Ian" Bob says gesturing to his son, which has not removed his gaze from me.

Slightly uncomfortable I say "Nice to meet you guys, my name is Aubery." Turning my gaze to Ian's briefly I see the corners of his mouth turn upward and I am distracted from the beautiful sight of a genuine smile when Bob says "Is that an accent I here now love?"

"Hmmm, oh yeah I moved here from Australia" Is my accent really that obvious? I mean all the American accents now just kind of sound 'normal' and when I hear my friends talk now I hear their accents clear as day. Oh boy I bet I sound like a bogan, maybe a classy bogan perhaps?

Bob rambles about Australia and how he has always wanted to visit whilst Ian and I share glances. When Bob stops his rambling I smile and say "You would love Bunnings, every week they have sausage sizzles outside the shop and they are huge hardware stores with cafe's inside. Oh but here are your books that Susan wanted me to drop off, because she had to run"

"Sausage sizzle?" Ian asks confused, the first time he has talked since his father got here. Except for the few growls he has released. I blush as I realise of course they don't know the weird Aussie way of saying- well I actually don't know what they would call it in America.

"Umm it's like a BBQ sale, they sell sausage sandwiches and sometimes do other things they cook on the BBQ" I respond. 

Ian smiles, and I feel concerned as this shit is just getting weird now. It looks as Ian is about to say something before Bob interrupts and says.  "Thank you very much love, and that sounds amazing dear I'll have to visit me a Bunnings some day." Ian rolls his eyes and clenches his fists. 

"Well I better get back now-" I say whilst walking away and before I could say goodbye Ian cuts me off (hmm yay favourite) and says "See you later angel" whilst winking. 

"Bye love" Bob says and I respond to both of them saying "Bye, see you around!" as I practically sprint out the door. 

Fiddling with the lock on the door to the store I finally unlock it, I take off the 'be back in 5minutes sign' and run to behind the counter where I just slouch onto the floor. Shit that was intense, well I wanted excitement and boy did I get it. 

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