Joss: I think not. Destiny is something established by someone and is set so people can follow what's been set for them. I prefer to do things without someone telling me to do it.

U: - looks at Arabella- Oh and for your case with Lucy. The bond grants your sight of the other. In case she wonders off on you again. Just try to focus on her and just say " Give me sight" all you will see what she sees. It will give a certain idea of where she is. But don't worry, she will usually find you first. So now that we have that out of the way, please have fun and I'm going to do some house hunting for you and ... Umm Joss- looks at the Capital-wheeeen I find him... I'll let him know as well - sighs- such a rude boy.

Lucas: Well then since everyone is heading to different places, I'm gonna go ahead to the hotel and meet up with my pupil. See you guys there have fun

(Lin begins to laugh)

Lin: You really are a mysterious boy. Well, I will help you in your little quest. This world is very cruel and dangerous but is also very kind and lovable. In this city you will find some people that will make your adventure more interesting. My word of advice is that you go to that shop (pointing the direction) and find a person called Wendy. She will help you in your quest.

(In that moment Lin looks at Joss)

Lin: Oh, and one last thing Joss, you must let go of the past, because that is blinding your present and will destroy your future.

(Lin then disappears with the crowd)

Joss: Wait? What? How do you know my name?!

Arabella: [Well, I guess I'll go find Lucy, since now I am alone....again....mmhhhmmm.......] 'Give me sight...well she's far way. Now why is she near the castle?' (She then walks off to find the castle, with her part of the money.)

(U sees everyone leave and pouts)

U: - says to himself- welp... My little girl is all grown up... Now I'm alone... Once again. - a few seconds go by- OOOH flubbernauts we were all supposed to go to the bank!! Oh well at least I have something to do now. - he slowly shifts towards his direction and singing-

Arabella: (She halts in her sudden march towards the castle and turns towards U.) 'Mr. U! Can you come with me? I have no idea how to get to the castle!'

(He zips besides her with a big smiles)

U: Sure thing, let's goooo!! - Forgetting immediately about the bank-

(Lucas arrive to the hotel he then went and ask for the room)

(Joss walks with confusion towards the shop Lin mentioned. In his walk, he sees different people and races and he's filled with excitement. He reaches his destination and enters the store. He enters and sees a lot of people from high class walking in fancy dresses and acting high and mighty. He then hears someone shouting.)


(Joss startles as he hears the shout. The manager then looks at Joss and is filled with disgust as he sees what Joss is wearing. Then the owner comes out and sees Joss)

Owner: And what in hell is this person doing here?

(Joss calms himself)

Joss: I'm looking for a person named Wendy. Do you know where that person is?

(Both began to laugh)

Owner: Wendy? That good for nothing?! That's the worst designer this planet has. She doesn't have the mind or art of a true artist. And you mister, I would gladly appreciate if you get out of this shop. We don't serve your kind here.

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