I tilt her chin up slightly and lean in for a single, slow kiss.

"Let's get going."



I don't have time to react to the soft moment we've experienced together since he already has an arm around my waist and his hook into the wall. I lean my head into the crook of his shoulder as we scale the wall and quickly separate once we climb over the edge.

We break into a jog towards Hange's squad who have just finished properly bandaging those who needed help and brought the horses over the wall.

"There you two are! Are you okay? We heard someone scream." Hange asks.

Ah shit...Here we go again.

"Yeah, I accidentally dropped my knife and it cut me." I lie smoothly.

"Huh? Did you clean the wound already?" She asks.


You idiot.

My snaps to Levi. How did this thing start working again?

"Used one of my cloths to clean it—what a waste." Levi covers. Hange chuckles a bit before pointing towards some bags.

"Sounds just like you. Anyway, we're heading back to HQ, mind helping us where you can?"

"Yeah, we'll help." I nod.

We pick up a couple of bags, handing them off to other members before picking up our own. I decide to try to reach Levi again through whatever mode we've just discovered together.

Can you hear me?


You may be even more irritable to listen to in my own head, Levi.

Avoid conversation, then.

I click my tongue in annoyance and shoot him a glare. I guess we've moved on from our little moment.

Should we tell the others?

We should figure out what else you can do first to limit the amounts of misinformation.

I see.

We need to see what else that crystal does to you.

I wonder why only you can hear me.

I don't know, we-

Levi stops mid thought and turns his head over his shoulder. Curiosity takes over and so I look to find Bertholdt and Reiner speaking with Eren privately. Eren lets out a little laugh while patting Reiner's shoulder as Mikasa apprehensively stays on guard.

Oh fuck.

You wouldn't be wrong by coming to that conclusion.

I roll my eyes at his response and pretend to continue stacking the bags so we avoid suspicion.

"Can you grab that one please?" I point to a bag near Levi. He nods and stacks it on top of my pile which aligns with a thundering sound above.

A yelp escapes me and Levi pulls me into his arms as we're slammed towards the concrete top of the wall.

What the fuck is happening?!

Just as the thought enters my mind, a reminder of five years ago stands above our trusty 50-meter wall, mocking us from above. We get to our knees and I hide myself further into Levi's shoulder, only peeking my eyes over him, watching the steam clear slowly.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now