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Jonathan's POV

Sometimes I see her glancing at me in class & every time I catch her, she looks away. I miss her so much. I can barely even think straight without her by my side. Even my friends are starting to question the way I act now

Teacher: Jonathan?!

Jonathan: *looks at the teacher* Huh?

Teacher: You good?

Jonathan: Yeah, I'm good.

Teacher: Ok. Can you read the next paragraph for us?

Jonathan: Sure.

A month later

Roman: So.....when you gon talk to her?

Jonathan: I don't know. I've never been like this.

Roman: Aww, true love. *sighs* Makes me wanna puke.

Jonathan: Aren't her and Mikaela talking again?

Roman: Yeah.

Jonathan: First, I'll talk to Mikaela and see why Shanté ghosted me and what says will determine what I should do.

Roman: You think she gon tell you?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Roman: The TRUTH?

Jonathan: What do you mean?

Roman: Mikaela don't want you and Shanté together because she don't trust you. She DID lie about you making Shanté uncomfortable.

Jonathan: won't hurt to try.

Mikaela's house

Mikaela: *opens the door* And you're here why?

Jonathan: Why did Shanté ghost me?

Mikaela: Why did you not care?

Jonathan: I'm respecting her wishes. She said she wanted space and I'm giving her that.

Mikaela: You shoulda sent her a picture of space.

Jonathan: Mikaela, please.

Mikaela: You gotta ask her yourself because she don't tell me anything anymore. But from what I do know about her, she probably ghosted you because she's scared.

Jonathan: Scared of what?

Mikaela: Ask her.

Jonathan: Ok well when she says a "break" does that mean she's going to come back to me?

Mikaela: I don't know.

Jonathan: Can you at least tell me why she wouldn't tell me she loved me?

Mikaela: What do you mean?

Jonathan: She used to say "me too" whenever I told her I love her.

Mikaela: Oh. Well it's kind of a long story.

Jonathan: I got time.

Mikaela: I'll shorten it. It all started in 11th grade.

11th grade flashback

Kevante: I'm in love you.

Shanté: I'm in love with you too. *hugs him*

Kevante: I promise I'll never hurt you.

A few months later

Shanté: I don't feel comfortable just yet.

Kevante: It's fine. I'll wait. Just let me know when you're ready.

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