Six Feet Under🥀

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Jonathan: No, Shanté, wait.

Shanté: *leaves*

Jonathan: *gets up & runs after her* Shanté please!


Jonathan: Shanté-

Not able to contain my tears or my anger, I turn around

Shanté: "I don't want you to see me the way everyone sees me". Fucking bullshit!

Jonathan: *tears up* Just listen to me.

Shanté: No, you listen to ME! I'm done with you! I'm done with your bullshit! You said you were never going to hurt me and I was dumb enough to believe you! I'm done!

I open my car door & before I could get in, it slams. I turn back around to see Jonathan trying to fight the tears that are about to run down his face. I hate to see him cry but I'm so drowned in anger that I don't even care

Jonathan: Please just listen to me. I saw her at the store and she said that she wanted us, ALL of us, to hangout so I came and you weren't here and-

Shanté: You still had sex with her.

Jonathan: I didn't have sex with her.

Shanté: Yeah right.

Jonathan: I didn't. Just let me finish-

Shanté: Why? So you can prove how stupid I am?

Jonathan: No. I love you and I promised you that I'd never hurt you-

Shanté: And yet here I am HURT! This whole thing was a mistake. I should've never let it get this far.

Jonathan: *tear falls* It wasn't a mistake. I-I know how it looks but-

Shanté: Don't even try to explain yourself because I'm not going to believe you.

Jonathan: Would you just listen to me?!

Shanté: You know, you're just like Kevante.

Jonathan: Don't EVER compare me to him. I am nothing like him.

Shanté: You're exactly the same. And I know your ass was going to keep this a secret.

Jonathan: As if you don't have shit you've never told me.

Shanté: I tell you more than what you tell me! You made me trust you! You made me believe that I was in the wrong to overthink! You made me fall in love with you!!

I begin to sob as I tell him that I should've listen to Mikaela & how everyone was right about him. I look behind him & see my cousin. I go to her & call her out for being a backstabbing bitch & she just stands there taking the heat. I turn towards Jonathan & watch him as he allows his tears to go down his face. I can feel the remorse in my heart trying to push its way out. I shouldn't be feeling guilty because he did this to himself

Shanté: No wonder your other relationships ended.

Jonathan: wonder why Kevante never loved you.

Shanté: I hate you. *walks away*

Jonathan: *grabs Shanté's hand* Té, wait. I-

Shanté: *turns around & punches him* Don't TOUCH me.

I get in my car & pull out the driveway & into the street. Before driving off, I see my cousin walk into her house & Jonathan looking me. I drive off as I watch him go farther & farther through the rearview mirror. The farther I go, the more I want to go back & make up. The more I want to hear everything he has to say...but I know that if I go back, I won't be able to leave

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