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A week later

Jonathan: Someone's birthday is next Fridaaaaaay.

Shanté: And someone's gonna get slapped if they talk about it one more tiiiiiiime.

Jonathan: I wish you would.

Shanté: Chiiiiiiiiill. *😂*

Jonathan: What did your parents say to you wanting to invite me?

Shanté: They said they're cool with it...sort of. They said that you can't come in my room and we won't ever be alone.

Jonathan: Damn...I wanted to give you some good birthday sex.

Shanté: Chiiiiiiill. *😂*

Jonathan: So what you doing after school?

Shanté: I might go to the mall with Babes. I don't know. Shopping isn't really my thing. But I do want a new jacket.

Jonathan: So if you don't like going to the mall, why are you going?

Shanté: Because I'm bored, I have no friends, and as I said before, I want a new jacket.

Jonathan: Get smart with me one more time.

Shanté: Bro chill. *😂* But I might not go 'cause Babes and Darius usually have dates every Friday so I don't know if they having it or not.

Jonathan: Aw so you're just all lonely.

Shanté: Basically.

Jonathan: Well, you have me.

Shanté: Hallelujah. *chuckles*

Jonathan: I'll go to the mall with you if Mikaela can't go.

Shanté: You don't have to.

Jonathan: Yeah but I wanna spend more time with my daughter.

Shanté: Do you really or are you just saying that so I don't feel alone?

Jonathan: Can it be both?

Shanté: Woooow.

Jonathan: *😂* I'm kidding.

Shanté: No you not. You're a bully.

Jonathan: Yo momma.

Shanté: Shut up. *😂*

Sthefani: *walks up to them* Hey Shanté.

Shanté: Hey.

Sthefani: So, Myles has a crush on you and he told me to come over here and tell you.

Shanté: ...really?

Sthefani: Yeah.

Shanté: O-ok. Thank you for telling me.

Sthefani: *leaves*

Shanté: I don't believe it.

Jonathan: Why not?

Shanté: Because I-

Jonathan: Huh?

Shanté: He-

Jonathan: What?

Shanté: T-

Jonathan: What?

Shanté: Ok.

Jonathan: Shanté, look at me.

Shanté: *does it*

Jonathan: You're beautiful. You make a n***a want you just by looking at him. Don't underestimate your beauty. Ok?

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