The Trip✨

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Next day (2nd period)

Shanté: *texting Mikaela*

Jonathan: *walks up to her* Hey Calzone Girl.

Shanté: *looks up & chuckles* You have GOT to be kidding me.

Jonathan: You're not happy to see your favorite employee?

Shanté: Who said you were my favorite?

Jonathan: Ok well fuck you too.

Shanté: *😂* Relaaax. I'm kidding.

Jonathan: Mhm. So can I know your name?

Shanté: Mmm, no. What's your next class?

Jonathan: Mr. Pitchford.

Shanté: *sighs* What's your last period?

Jonathan: We have the same class next? *😂*

Shanté: Yes. *😂*

Jonathan: My last period is Ms. Sanders.

Shanté: Ok, are you stalking me?

Jonathan: *😂* No. But at least we can see each other more than once a week. *sits down beside her*

Shanté: Oh my goodness. *😂*

Jonathan: Are you going on that field trip thing?

Shanté: What field trip thing?

Jonathan: Do you not pay attention in class?

Shanté: *chuckles* I do but I don't recall any of my teachers talking about a field trip.

Jonathan: Well it's this field trip for seniors only. We kinda get special treatment because it's our last year and every year they have seniors go to Myrtle Beach. I heard it was cool. Like you could do all these activities and stuff.

Shanté: I love Myrtle Beach. I haven't been since I was in 8th grade because my family kinda got tired of it.

Jonathan: I've never been.

Shanté: Ooooh my goodness. My heart just broke. *wipes a fake tear*

Jonathan: *😂*

Shanté: Are you going?

Jonathan: I'm thinking about it.

Shanté: Well I'll go if you go...well technically I'll go if my sister goes which she most likely is but I wouldn't hate it if you were to come too.

Jonathan: You have a sister?

Shanté: Fake sister but a sister is a sister. Blood or not. Sooooo?

Jonathan: I'll go if you tell me your name.

Shanté: Nooooo. *😂*

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