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Next day (Lockers)

Jonathan: *walks up* Hey, why didn't you text me back last night?

Shanté: Because my mom took my phone.

Jonathan: What did you do?

Shanté: Sneak out the house to be with you.

Jonathan: How did she find out?

Shanté: I don't know.

Jonathan: When will you get your phone back?

Shanté: I don't know. She even wanted me to quit my job before my dad convinced her not to. I'm confined to that house now.

Jonathan: I'm sorry.

Shanté: It's not your fault. I just wanna know how she found out. We was being really careful. Did you tell anyone?

Jonathan: I told Roman but he doesn't know your mom and he hasn't, and won't ever, tell anyone. Did you tell Mikaela?

Shanté: No.

Jonathan: ...does she know what's going on between us?

Shanté: Nope.

Jonathan: You never told her?

Shanté: She's against us being friends, Father. Why would I tell her?

Jonathan: Because she's your sister?

Shanté: I don't have to tell her everything.

Mikaela: *walks up* Hey dad, hey Iris.

Jonathan & Shanté: Hey.

Mikaela: What did you do?

Shanté: What do you mean?

Mikaela: Your mom seemed pissed. What did you do?

Shanté: My grades aren't where she wants them to be so she took all my stuff.

Mikaela: When will you get it back?

Shanté: Hopefully when I bring my grades up.

Mikaela: How low are your grades?

Shanté: Not low. I have 2 F's. The rest are B's and like...1 A.

Mikaela: Oh so she just trippin.

Shanté: Yeah. But I'll bring up my grades and see what happens then.

Mikaela: Yeah because I really want to drag you the Halloween party.

Shanté: I'm not going to no party.

Mikaela: That's why I said drag. Ain't that right, Dad?

Jonathan: Guess so.

Shanté: I'm not going.

Mikaela: You have no choice.

Shanté: I'm probably still gon be grounded.

Mikaela: Then we'll sneak out.

Shanté: Chile.

Mikaela: What? You gotta live. You can't be scary your whole life.

Shanté: I'm not gon be scary my whole life.

Mikayla: Thank you.

Shanté: But Imma be scary till I move out the house.

Mikaela: *🙄* You'll change your mind. I'll see y'all later. *leaves*

Jonathan: Didn't think you'd ever be able to lie to Mikaela.

Shanté: Well, there's a first time for everything. Anyways, my mom banned me from hanging out with you probably until we graduate so I'll just see you in class.

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