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Elizabeth's house

Shanté: I'm convinced that he hypnotized me with his eyes.

Elizabeth: Maybe he did.

Shanté: *chuckles*

Elizabeth: So, you think you're in love with him?

Shanté: I love him but I don't think I'm IN love with him.

Elizabeth: So what do you think?

Shanté: I just think that my feelings for him are stronger than I think they really are.

Elizabeth: you think you're in love with him.

Shanté: Fine. If you want to put it that way. But I don't want to love him because I know I can't have him. Not the way I think I want him.

Elizabeth: How do you want him?

Shanté: I want him the way he doesn't want me. I want ALL of him. Not half, not 1/3. I want all. And he makes me feel like I have all of him...I'm just not 100% sure.

Elizabeth: Y'all cuuuuuute.

Shanté: How? *😂* He doesn't want me.

Elizabeth: I feel like if you think you're in love with him then you should tell him to get it off your chest. You don't have anything to lose.

Shanté: Yes huh.

Elizabeth: What?

Shanté: Him. He's one of the most important people in my life. If I lose him, then I lose a part of me, do you want me to lose a part of me? I've been surprisingly happy since he came into my life. Do you want me to lose that happiness? *😑*

Elizabeth: You haven't been THAT happy.

Shanté: But I've still been happy.

Elizabeth: Why would you lose him though? I'm pretty sure he knows you like him.

Shanté: Yeah but this is possibly love. This is so much stronger than just liking someone. Liking someone is temporary and love is for life. Love is wanting to grow old together.

Elizabeth: Then tell him, idiot. If not, you won't be able to grow old together. You can't get married without proposing.

Shanté: Yeah but you can't marry someone who doesn't love you back.

Elizabeth: Then you weren't meant to marry them.

Shanté: You're right.

Elizabeth: You should know if you're in love with him. Haven't you been in love before?

Shanté: Yeah but remember how that turned out?

Elizabeth: Right. I still wanna fight him.

Shanté: Chiiiiill. *😂*

Elizabeth: But you know, if you don't tell him how you feel soon, your feelings for him will continue to get stronger.

Shanté: Yeah, I know.

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