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A week later

Shanté's POV

I have a doctors appointment today & yeah it doesn't seem like it's a big deal...but it is when you have cuts on your left arm. Most cuts are new...& deep

Shanté: *walks out the bathroom*

Jonathan's POV

I walk out the bathroom & see Shanté. I was going to walk the other way but something seems off about her. Yeah me ghosting her probably hurt her but whenever she's hurt she doesn't ever show it at school. I have a feeling that she needs me

Jonathan: Shanté. *goes to her* What's wrong?

Shanté: Oh so we're just going to forget that you didn't start ghosting me? That I didn't cry myself to sleep for 2 weeks over a guy like you? Is that REALLY what we're gonna do?

Jonathan: A guy like me?

Shanté: A player. A player who...who takes advantage of girls who trusts him. A player who gains a girls' trust just to show her what a fucking dumbass she really is. A player who will make a girl believe that he cares about her but he doesn't. You didn't want me to see you as THAT guy but you showed me that you are.

Jonathan: Shanté-

Shanté: I'm REALLY not in the mood.

Jonathan: Can you tell me what's wrong?

Shanté: I know you don't care-

Her voice begins to tremble & she tears up. The thought of leaving passed my mind but I can't leave her like this

Shanté: -so could you please just leave me alone?

Jonathan: Come here. *starts hugging her*

She wraps her arms around my waist & begins sobbing. I can feel that she's shaking & I hug her tighter. She squeezes me like a person would squeeze a stuffed animal. I don't know if this is because of me but if it is....I don't know how I would feel. I don't even know what I'd do if I caused her THIS much pain. We hug for a few minutes until she quiets down. I pull away from the hug & look at her

Jonathan: What's wrong?

Shanté: ...I'm scared.

Jonathan: Of what?

Shanté: I have a doctors appointment today and it's just a normal checkup but...

She looks down & starts to fiddle with her ring. I'm surprised she's still wearing

Jonathan: But what?

Shanté: ...I...I have cuts on my arm and I don't want them to see because then they're going to ask me questions and I don't know how my parents are going to react and-

Jonathan: Cuts from what?

Shanté: ...

Jonathan: Shanté...cuts from what?

Shanté: ...from a Xacto knife.

Jonathan: Where is it?

Shanté: ...

Jonathan: Do you have it with you?


Jonathan: Give me the knife.

Shanté: I don't have it.

Jonathan: Shanté, give me the knife.

Shanté: I don't-

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