Alltid och för Evigt/Always and Forever

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Always and forever, each moment with you...

Is just like a dream to me that somehow came true...

And I know tomorrow will still be the same...

'Cause we've got a life of love that won't ever change...

Everyday love me your own special way...

Melt all my heart away with a smile...

Take time to tell me you really care...

And we'll share tomorrow together...



With her eyes shut tight and her head tilted back, my lovely doll is content, relaxed against the bath pillow. She sang in sweet harmony to the music playing on her device and I observed my raven-haired goddess submerged in a blanket of soft bubbles... and I beamed. After a few moments, I reluctantly pull my eyes from the beautiful sight and began the enjoyable task of sprinkling rose petals all about our bedroom. I blithely toss the petals and watch them fall sporadically over the white silk sheets of our bed.

Afterward, I ignited several vanillas scented, white candles around various places in the room, casting a soft golden light. Lastly, I placed the sparkling fifteen karat white-gold ring in the center of her silk crimson pillow. I patiently wait for my sexy lover to emerge from the bathroom in her white silk robe. She enters the room, glowing like an angel, her eyes lit up as she happily appraised me, pleasantly surprised at the sensual setting I'd created. I gift her with a freshly hand-made strawberry martini and gently pulled her into me, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine. She took a refreshing sip of her cocktail and purred her approval.

"Damn Eric, you make me so happy."

I made her happy, she said, and I swore I felt my dead heart flutter as a gentle smile crossed her stunning face. Without trying Tara has a way of entrancing all my senses. I always lose myself in her deep dark eyes every time. Tara Mae Thornton has my heart and she always will.

I took hold of her hand, guiding her to our petal adorned bed and as we neared our destination, the lighting hit the diamond just right and the spectacular jewel caught her eyes. She gasped while bending forward to grab the symbol of my unyielding love and I drop to my knees, never letting go of her hand.

"Tara, Jag älskar dig av hela mitt hjärta. Jag kommer alltid att älska dig. Mitt hjärta kommer alltid att vara din. Du är allt . Vill du gifta dig med mig?"

(Tara, I love you with all my heart. I will always love you. My heart will always be yours. You are everything. Will you marry me?)

I spoke in Swedish, but my mind said it in English. No matter what the language, Tara understood that I wanted to marry her; I needed her. I wanted to belong to her forever. Tara gasped again in overwhelming delight and her mind gripped my head in astonishment. She attacked me through our bond and overloaded me with her unrestrained admiration, just like she had that first night at Fangtasia.

There was no control over her.

No limitation.

With her backstage pass into my head, I could not hide from her; nor did I want to. She beamed sweetly at me while fanning her fingers into my hair and gently scratching my scalp. My eyes fluttered, and she leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"Ja Vacker! Oh yes, I'll marry you, Eric, I love you!" She shouted as tears of joy sprung from her doe eyes. Although my heart no longer works, her saying yes would have caused my dead organ to skip a beat or two.

Two Souls, One Heart (based on the show True Blood)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt