Signera Mitt Hjärta/ Sign My Heart

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ALL ALONE with you makes the butterflies in me arise...Sign your name across my heart...I want you to be my baby...


"Yes!" Tara beamed. The young woman was thrilled at finally landing a job, even if it was at a vampire bar; she was tired of looking. "When do I start?" She asked her new boss while observing how grossly understaffed they were.

"I'd be pleased if you could start tonight." The former Viking quickly replied.

"I think I can do that, but first I'll need to know my schedule, what my duties are, and how much I'll be paid." The newly appointed barmaid replied just as quickly; she did not trust anyone when it came to money and there was no way she'd take a vampire's word that she'd be treated fairly, she wanted an agreement in writing. 

"Of course, " Impressed with her grit, he obliged," Shall we discuss all the details in my office." he gestured towards a dark hallway while entertaining the idea of glamoring her again. This time, he would have no distractions; not that distraction ever stood in his way with any human before her.

"Oh... well, umm..." she stuttered, her eyes; blinking while shifting awkwardly, "I'll wait for the paperwork out here." The idea of being alone with a vampire, especially one who was as alluring as Eric made her very nervous.

Picking up on her trepidation, he held the opportunity to tease her, "You're not afraid to be alone with me are you?" a noticeably mischievous smirk emerged on his face. The alluring and fragrant woman had every reason to be afraid of him, she made him feel ravenous, and he wanted to penetrate and devour her flesh with unruly savagery.

"Nah," she lied to save face, "First night on the job jitters is all."

"Follow me then," Eric called her bullshit as he sauntered through his club.

His presence intimidated most of his patrons into silence. Humans and vampires scurried out of his path and beheld the tall beautiful man as he made his way through the crowd. A group of women who appeared barely legal enough to drink, but seemed highly intoxicated just the same, shouted out lewd comments to the bar owner.

"Oh, take me to your coffin..." Two girls shouted in unison.

As they passed another belligerent group, they cackled out. "I taste better than True Blood..."

Another scantily clad woman exclaimed. "I'm type- Oohhhh positive..!"

Another girl lifted her shirt to show Eric her pierced nipples, and her friends cheered at her brashness.

Tara noticed the vampire was without airs by the behavior, not uttering a single word to anyone. His expression remained emotionless as he ignored them all. He's used to it. Tara, on the other hand, was disgusted; she found their behavior downright foolish and disapproval marred her lovely features. As she passed by, she scoffed at them all.

Nasty fang-bangers...She thought to herself while striding close beside him.

Eric's office is located in a hallway, past the restrooms. Tara sat down in the leather chair while Eric sped around to his large desk. He took a seat and began filling out forms. While he wrote, she used the time to glance over his cluttered office. She noticed all the business licenses and certifications; they hung neatly on the wall behind him. They looked legitimate, similar to the ones in Sam's office. In less than a minute Eric finished preparing the paperwork, and he signed and printed his first and last name. Then, swiftly, but gently placed two sheets of paper in her hand, along with three crisp one-hundred-dollar bills.

Two Souls, One Heart (based on the show True Blood)Where stories live. Discover now