The Butterfly's Storm

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There are plenty of ways to die, but only love can kill and keep you alive to feel it.


Aether's Coven, New Orleans

The shadows are already dissolving into the evening dusk when I hear a footfall close behind me. In this forest, there is only one person who could get so close to me without detection and I know she wants me dead. It wasn't my fault that I was born the protector, the guardian of the earth; and I'll fight till the bitter end for my realm, I'll fight until Isis herself releases me from my servitude.

Six pairs of hands tried to seize me. Nora shot out; with a little hiss, she leaped out like a panther and almost landed on my back, but I teleported away. Before hitting the ground abruptly, Nora executed a somersault, landing on her feet. Even her agile movements are far too slow. Sookie, Naomi, and Luna scrambled to see where I'd vanished too.

"If I were Absalom you'd all be in serious trouble," Nora shouted at me from across the field. She'd kept her eyes on me the whole time.

"If you were Absalom, we'd need some nose plugs and air- fresheners, that bitch stank."

The girls burst into a chorus of laughter while Nora huffed in frustration. "You are all dismissed, we shall resume training at 6 AM tomorrow." The laughter simultaneously halted and was abruptly replaced with huffs and long sighs as the Coven/combat- training/team made their way back to the house.

As I've watched my children grow, I've done the same for my coven over the past three years. Nora and Naomi bestowed the honorable title of High Priestess to Sookie and Luna. They earned the title, both women proved themselves worthy of a series of supernatural test.

"Come on Nor, don't be so hard on them."

"Are you kidding me!" She waved her hands, agitated by my nonchalant attitude, "after what you said happened at your house and Fangtaisa?!"

"I's just- well... we've all trained so much and so often these past few years."

"Tara, we've done nothing but learn a few more protection spells and play fight with our vampires and wolves. Absalom and her minions could have an army now, for all we know."

My mouth ran dry and my stomach turned in an unfriendly way. I felt as if my brain were full of static, either firing off a million unhelpful thoughts at once or offering nothing at all.

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"I don't mean to worry you Sire, but the reprieve is over. It is time to put on the big-girl pants and get on with it."

"You're right," I replied and instantly her eyes lit up, and I could tell that a million new ideas were streaming through her brain. She had seen something new, something amazing like I knew she would.

"Here's the plan, tomorrow, the entire coven will begin an intense regimen of training. No holds barred. I'm going to put these ladies to the test. I'll leave you in charge of the itinerary. "

"I already have one, I've just been waiting for you to request implementing it." Now she's as eager as ever.

"I'll see you in the morning then." I gave her a playful wink, Nora is always so serious, I wish she would just chill sometimes.

"Bright and early." She replied with her warm and wise smile.

Nora truly is the best Progeny a Supreme could ask for, loyal, intelligent, persistent, and brave. She does it all. Last year she brought Alcide back from Jackson Mississippi; by offering him lots of money and property, she was able to relocate his entire pack. His only trepidation was the issue of turf between the residing NOLA pack, but eventually, the two packs all came to an agreement, lines were drawn, and territories were divided equally. Nora's primary reasoning for bringing Alcide back was for protection. Franklin's been the Coven's personal private detective and he has a strong suspicion that most, if not all of the NOLA pack are devout Absalom followers and addicted to V. It is common knowledge that any wolf addicted to V is a ticking-time-bomb. So, keeping wolves on guard is a must and Alcide's pack is clean and trustworthy; they are truly the best at what they do. Because of that Godric's 100-acre plot is a blessing, and we share it with the wolves. Eric had a huge den built for them and the land was fortified just like our home.

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