Wear The Black Dress

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Feel the silky touch of my caresses...
They will keep you looking brand new...
Let me cover you with velvet kisses...
I'll create a look that's made for you...

Gonna dress you up in my love...
From your head down to your toes...


"Look, I don't know how to answer your crazy-ass question, Eric." She sharply replied, not taking kindly to his harsh words.

He crossed his arms, intensely glaring at her. His body thrummed with anticipation as her heat and scent nearly drowned him. The strained silence that descended between them confounded Tara. The air was so thick with sensual tension that she could practically taste it on her tongue. There had been interest in her eyes along with a healthy dose of trepidation but the vampire could see that she wanted him just as much – or more than he wanted her. The problem was he didn't know how he was going to reach her. He felt Tara was at war with herself; despite the weariness in her eyes, he also saw within her a fiery, sensual animal that was desperately clawing for freedom. She was an enigma, a puzzle, one Eric was anxious to solve.

He did not pry further, instead summoned Pam, in less than a second his seductive progeny was at the doorway entrance awaiting his orders.

"So Cupcake is Aether...What the fuck is an Aether and why does Paul Di Arezzo have such a hard-on for her?" Pam drawled apathetically in Swedish, even when speaking a foreign language, it was obvious to Tara that she was the subject of their conversation.

"We're leaving tonight, and going to Godric's New Orleans home."

Pam was momentarily staggered, "So we're running?" She questioned. Fleeing was unlike her Sire. At the same time, she was thrilled at the chance to see Godric; it had been decades since her last visit.

"Never..." He snapped. "I asked Godric the same question you just asked me and he immediately summoned me."

"What about Ginger, must we drag her along?" Pam knew better than to question her maker in a situation like this. But this 'move' was a big inconvenience to her. She had exotic dancer auditions this week.

"Of course not, send Ginger home and then we're leaving." He flicked his hand, giving Pam the signal to leave the room.

A swoosh noise was heard and Tara saw a blur, felt a breeze, and smelled Pam's designer perfume as the diva, sped away.

Eric calculatedly paced the room; glancing at Tara from time to time. He hated not having the answer to his progeny's questions. He thought if only Godric would have told him more over the phone. But his maker emphasized that he would only speak to him in person.

Listening to her boss' cryptic conversations and watching his erratic behavior made Tara a nervous wreck. She wondered why the vampires seemed so interested in her, more than any other human in the bar.

'  Especially, Paul, he went plum-fucking crazy. What do they see, smell, or feel that makes me different?'

 Tara realized the confession Eric made under her hypnosis was significant. She struggled to comprehend how she was able to glamour him. She was always told to beware of their glamour powers.

Only the Norse man could hear Ginger's car starting up from the far side of the parking lot and knew the loyal, but trying woman was finally on her way home. He sauntered towards Tara who was nervously squirming on the black leather sofa. He held his hand to her; she took hold of him and he pulled her to her feet. Standing face to face, his icy eyes sealed onto hers. He leaned in close, savoring the wonderful feeling of her warmness as it radiated off her body. He anticipated she would back away but was pleasantly surprised when she did not. He smirked slightly; her elevating heartbeat expressed her anxiety.

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