The Viking and The Goddess

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Would you let me kiss you there?

You know, down there, where it counts?

I'll do it so well... I swear I'll drink every ounce...

XXX❤❤❤XXX ❤❤❤

Her long raven hair and the dark, shapely body lay sprawled out next to his pale, solid form. The vampire groaned; like a starving man at a feast, he hungered for her. The amulet he gifted her with lay nuzzled in her cleavage. The talisman that protected The Viking for over a thousand years, now protected a Goddess.

'My beautiful Aether, a goddess who would be envied by all a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, she is still beautiful, still strong...' His hand adroitly caressed her shapely hips then migrated to her thighs as he admired her stunning curves...'I digress, how could I be any clearer? How can I show you that I want to reconcile the undisclosed desires in your heart?'


His head shot up at the sound of her melodic voice and he met her gaze. Her sensual heavily lidded eyes examined his perfectly chiseled face. As he listened to her steady heartbeat and appraised her calm expression, the vampire waited for the dark-skinned beauty to scorn or seduce him. He prayed for the latter while fighting all primal instincts to take and devour her. She pleased him with a beautiful smile, those long butterfly lashes fluttered seductively at the smitten man.

'Could this mean she is thankful I had survived unharmed? Is she pleased to be at my side?'

"Both..." She answered, effortlessly reading his mind.

He had no control of the intrusion of his mind and even if he did, he would not have resisted her.

And suddenly, as if batting a fly, the mahogany-skinned goddess waved her hand. Her magic ignited the fireplace; the flames crackled and set the room aglow. He cleared his throat, still unable to grasp what had just occurred.

My Tara has risen anew, powerful, and definite. Her appearance, even more, beautiful than the night she walked into my bar.'

Eric was jolted; Tara was the only woman who's ever rendered him speechless. Neither of them was accustomed to being at a loss for words. Yet, they found themselves regarding each other in an awkward silence that had become all too familiar to them. They both chuckled for a moment, but their laughter soon subsided.

"What do you want from me Eric Northman?" Her eyes narrowed while she nervously fondled the talisman. He peered into her big doe-eyes, frustration washed over his face.

"Tara Thornton- I want you to be mine- only mine -completely... But you must give yourself to me. I won't have you any other way." He gently confessed, his tone contradicting his fierce look.

Tara smiled coyly and replied, "I don't wanna share you either Eric. I'm willing to give myself to you, only if you promise that you're done with that fang-banger Yvette and that blood-whore Dawn. And no more fighting on my behalf either. I can take care of myself now." She lowered her eyes in embarrassment, realizing how demanding she sounded.

And so he replied, "Your conditions are within reason."

From there on in it was all passion, intense, intoxicating... It was their release, her escape, his drug... His wanton need bubbled like a cauldron, and he moved forward, gently kissing her neck, collarbone, down to her taut belly. His blond hair fell forward, tickling her, along with the stubble of his chin. Her body tensed as she suppressed her giggle. He kissed his way back up to her sweet honey lips and whispered. "I am yours..."

Two Souls, One Heart (based on the show True Blood)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora